Damping element is now supported. The characteristic of this damping element
is a model in which the relationship of speed and force is shown in the
following expression.

@F : damping resistance force(kN)
@V : speed(m/sec)
@C : damping coefficient(kN.sec/m)
@ฟ : velocity exponent (For example 0.3 etc. If it is set to 1.0, it is
the linear viscous damper)
Damping element is placed between the node point of i edge and j edge like
the spring element. The force is occurred according to the velocity difference
of the 2 nodes occurred during the dynamic analysis, which is to say, relative
velocity. This force is the damping force. Damping element has also the
element coordinate system same as the spring element, however, the relationship
of speed and force occurs in the uniaxial direction (xl) from the node
point of i edge and j edge. If both nodes have the same coordinate, the
different coordinate system needs to be obtained.
C and ฟ in the above expression are the value given by the maker who produces
the damper.
When the damping force has occurred, the curve shown in the following figure
can be seen.
Figure 6 Dynamic analysis result of damping element
of steel opposite lohse bridge |