A "roundabout" is a form of circular road intersection at which
a vehicle slows down its speed to yield on entry and enters a one-way path
around a central island. Improving conventional circular junction types,
which are called "rotaries", roundabouts have come into wide
use especially in America and Europe, including the U.K. and France, because
of their advantages of high level of safety and efficiency.
This issue picks up Ourston Roundabout Engineering Inc., one of the leading
roundabout design teams in North America.
Its subsidiary company Ourston Traffic Solutions, Inc. specializes in traffic
modeling, providing state-of-the-art software solutions. As a part of this,
Ourston Traffic Solutions adopted the license of UC-win/Road, 3D real-time
VR (virtual reality) software of FORUM8. In early autumn in 2009, the Company
became a FORUM8 Premier Partner in North America.
In recent years, advantages of modern roundabouts have been recognized
in the United States, too. However, there seems to be confusion with the
older types of circular intersections such as "rotaries" or "traffic
circles". Thus, it was required to get appropriate understanding of
the parties concerned by explaining in advance the structure and uses of
a roundabout design depending on its individual location as well as its
effects and benefits. In searching for the way to satisfy such needs more
effectively, Ourston Roundabout Engineering Inc. introduced UC-win/Road
in early summer in 2009.
On November 20, Ourston Roundabout Engineering Inc. took part in the 8th
"3D VR Simulation Contest" sponsored by FORUM8 and held in Tokyo.
Ms. Amanda Stubbe, Design Engineer of the Company visited Japan to make
a presentation at the contest. As she uses the software as a tool, we asked
her to talk from her point of view. In addition, Mr. Mark Lenters, President
of the Company, answered our questions by e-mail to complement the interview. |
Adoption of Roundabouts and Their Problems in the U.S.A. |
Ourston Roundabout Engineering Inc. (Ourston) is a specialized transportation
design consulting company of 10 staff, mostly engineers. Based in Madison,
the state capital of Wisconsin in the United States, Ourston covers all
over the nation. In Canada, it operates business as Ourston Roundabouts
Ourston started to design safe, high-capacity roundabouts in demanding
locations in 1984. Since then, collaborating with other professionals,
they have been making efforts in utilizing roundabouts to relieve traffic
congestion, achieve high capacity, increase safety, slow high-speed roads,
and upgrade freeway-to-street interchanges.
Their design accomplishments include the first two modern roundabouts in
America (Las Vegas, Nevada, 1990), the first roundabout interchange on
I-70 in America (Vail, Colorado, 1995), and America's first string of roundabouts
to eliminate congestion (Avon, Colorado, 1997).
Additionally, Ourston helped the states of California, Florida, Kansas,
Maryland, Michigan, and Wisconsin start their roundabout programs. They
have also written several articles and a design manual on roundabouts,
and produced roundabout educational videos.
Though roundabouts are becoming common throughout the world, the United
States has been showing a tendency to hesitate to construct roundabouts.
However, as recognition that they provide safer and more efficient traffic
flow than traffic signals, agencies in the U.S. are just now becoming committed
to adopting them.
In fact, in the U.S., the general public is not familiar with roundabouts.
Moreover, there are several types of circular intersections, and the terminology
is often incorrectly used.
Therefore, it was required first to have various parties concerned understand
the mechanism, usages, and advantages of roundabouts along with their differences
from the older types of circular intersections.
In such occasions, visualization of a transportation project in a virtual
setting is becoming more attractive to agencies. The virtual reality technology
has been in use for nearly 20 years; however, it is only recently that
it is more popular as computers become more powerful and designers and
agencies recognize the benefits of illustrating the project. 'Seeing is
believing' is a term that is used to describe the positive benefits of
showing the public participant the 'before and after' effects of the project
changes. Mr. Mark Lenters especially pays attentions to the advantage of
being able to easily represent road widening or alignment changes in explaining
a new type of intersection such as a roundabout.
Background of Adopting UC-win/Road and the Evaluation through Using It |
One of the projects that Ourston is involved with is a construction project
including a large number of roundabout intersections, one of the largest-scale
projects in the northeast area of Wisconsin.
Initiated by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, this is an expansion
and improvement project covering two segments of US 41 totaling 31 miles
(about 50km). This project includes road expansion to accommodate traffic
volume, 44 new roundabouts, improved interchanges, and expansion of the
causeway at Lake Butte des Morts.
As part of the preparation for constructing the roundabouts, a proper education
campaign to inform the public about how to properly drive through a roundabout
was thought to be important for the success of this project. So Ourston
used the UC-win/Road product to develop a driving simulator to train drivers
on the correct use of the roundabouts.
In such cases, educational videos and paper information materials have
been available, but a driver how-to has never been prepared using a VR
model of a roundabout, at least not in the United States, according to
Mr. Mark Lenters. Ourston developed bird's eye views looking high above
the freeway traffic interchange as well as driver's views to help educate
drivers. In addition, a computerized steering wheel and pedals were used
to control vehicles and provide yet another tool to help educate drivers
and to simulate driving through roundabouts. Ourstonfs aim was to provide
several methods of illustrating correct operation in a roundabout, especially
lane choice on the approaches.
It was in spring 2009 that Ourston started the business talk towards introducing
UC-win/Road. After concluding a contract, Ms. Amanda Stubbe has exclusively
used UC-win/Road to model roundabouts since last June.
The completed driving and fly-through scripts were used to produce the
high quality driver training videos. Some of the scripts were also presented
at the "3D VR Simulation Contest" held by FORUM8 mentioned above,
receiving the Overseas Award.
Ourston has been searching for improved methods of educating the public
on how to drive roundabouts so far. In doing so, Ourston has been using
VR to show the public how to navigate through a series of intersections
where roundabouts will be constructed in the future, traffic simulation
software to analyze the predicted traffic flow, and two dimensional animation.
In this point of view, Mr. Mark Lenters thinks that UC-win/Road, with which
they can show the driver view of the roadway and how to operate in a roundabout
intersection with ease and high precision, will be an attractive tool for
companies like Ourston that specialize in design of traffic interchanges
and intersections. He also mentions the support system of FORUM8. He emphasized
that they received excellent support from FORUM8 staff in developing a
complex roadway corridor.
On the other hand, Ms. Amanda Stubbe, who has actually been working with
UC-win/Road, had no problems in working by trial and error while reading
through the manual, except that she asked for help to FORUM8 staff through
e-mails and the Internet. |
Front view of the corporate HQ building
Mr. Mark Lenters, President
Ms. Amanda Stubbe
Animation capture toshow how to drive through roundabouts (Ourston's website)
View of interchanges from the sky
View from the driver's seat
Road signs