COM3(Fiber) is one of a series of products of FORUM8 for the nonlinear
analysis of reinforcement concrete structures under static and dynamic
loads based on the RC constitutive model which is developed by the Concrete Laboratory, University of Tokyo. It is a following product of WCOMD, which can carry out the two dimensional
dynamic nonlinear analysis of a plane RC structure. COM3(fiber) is furthermore
extended to the three dimensional nonlinear analysis of any spatial RC
structures or RC components that can be modelized as a fiber element, especially
for bridge piers and constructional columns or beams. |
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Outline and Features
The complexity of three dimension simulation of RC materials in the non-linear
response range is overcome by COM3(Fiber) through using a fiber model element,
which condense a cell-constituted section to a beam point defined as a
fiber element and then is computed as a frame model. The section of element
is assumed as maintaining a plane and its materials and geometrical distribution
of steel and concrete are given in the section definition . The nonlinear
performances of concrete and steel obey the defined constitutive relationship
including the crack occurring judgment and post crack characteristics.
Besides of the fiber element, an elastic isosolid is employed to cast the
components that only present a linear performance during a forced period.
This can make users focus computation on the strong nonlinearly performing
parts of structures, save calculating time and disk space, and obtain a
satisfying result.
The static and dynamic loads can be applied to the structural model and
its responses such as displacements and strains can be displayed in an
animation form. The earthquake waves in the three directions can be edited
or input from a real history record. The damage states of Light damage
and Damage are defined with the strain level of Concrete and Steel. The
damaged fiber elements due to their experienced maximum strains can be
seen clearly with color. The acting forces on Gauss section of Fiber elements
are compared with Bending capacity and Shear capacity respectively at each
step. These results are shown by Graph and Tabular form for easy checking.
The analysis results can be exported in simultaneously printing or HTML
file form by selecting the corresponding table button.
COM3(Fiber) is a long time research achievement of the Concrete Laboratory,
University of Tokyo on the concrete constitutive model and its application
to FEM. The related research results are well published in the world and
highly evaluated not only in Japan but also oversea for its good accuracy
and effectiveness in the numerical simulation of RC structures. The interface,
creating model and past treatment, designed by FORUM8 make its operation
more easy and result study more intuitive. This product is retained jointly
by FORUM8 Inc. Co. and the Concrete Laboratory, University of Tokyo.
COM3(Fiber) not only provide user a precise response results of RC structures
at linear and nonlinear range under static and dynamic environmental loads
but also supply an enjoyable view of spatial results of cold world. By
using COM3(Fiber), users can successfully finish the project safety investigation
and at the same time receive a deep understanding on the complicated performance
in a heavy solid RC block. For researchers, COM3(Fiber) results can serve
as a theoretical solution for comparing with the experimental data and
a comparable object for interpreting a novel RC simulation model or method.
Structure model establishment
Analysis results
Cell results
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Usage Process
As any FEM software, COM3(Fiber) also obeys the procedure from creating
models and defining loads to executing calculation and displaying results.
The window application interface provides many menu items, buttons and
function key to finish the procedure. Especially for the results presentation,
a colorfully and spatially visual display is enjoyable.
Unlike WCOMD which is divided into two main windows for creating model
and displaying results respectively, COM3(Fiber) finishes all the procedure
in one main window and some sub windows can be setup through menus , buttons
or left and right mouse button to define a specific item.
The general 4 processes and their relative buttons are listed below.
Model create
Section editor
Dynamic load editor
Static load definition
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System Requirements
Operating System
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0.(Service Pack‚S or later)
- Microsoft Windows 2000
- Personal Computer:
PC/AT or PC/AT100 or compatible (Pentium 300MHz or higher).
Hard Disk
- This program requires at least 200MB free space (including the result calculation
file) for the installation of the product.
- You must also have sufficient free hard disk space for your own database
- Screen size: 20 inch or greater
- Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 or greater
- Colour: 64k
- Use both Design of Display and Display Font with default settings.
Hardware Protection Key
In order to use the full Product Version you must install the hardware
protection key provided by Forum8. Attach the hardware protection key to
the printer port (Parallel port) or USB.
If you start the program without the key attached, only the Viewer Version
of the product will be available. |
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