Online. Advance registration is required.
- Time
- 9:00-11:00 (JST)
- Fee
- Free
- March 10, 2023
- Online
- Ended
Fri. September 8th
[Theme: The Forefront of Autonomous Driving, AI, and Cloud Research]
Lecturer: Mr. Jinhua Zhao (Associate Professor of City and Transportation Planning, Director of the MIT Mobility Initiative / MIT JTL Mobility Lab.)
Prof. Zhao brings behavioral science and transportation technology together to shape travel behavior, design mobility system, and reform urban policies. He develops methods to sense, predict, nudge, and regulate travel behavior and designs multimodal mobility systems that integrate automated and shared mobility with public transport. At the laboratories of MIT, he leads long-term research collaborations with major transportation authorities and operators worldwide, including London, Chicago, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
Fri. March 10th - Ended
[Theme: The Forefront of Civil Engineering & Construction / Architecture / Environmental Engineering]
Lecturer: Prof. Miho Mazereeuw (Assistant Professor of architecture and urbanism)
"Disaster Prevention Design for Disaster Preparation"
Over the past decade, losses due to climate change-related disasters have increased rapidly. The impacts of such disasters are not equally felt everywhere, and the burden tends to be greater in resource-poor urban and rural communities. In this lecture, she will share some case studies in Japan that made an impact on her, from her forthcoming book, “Design Before Disaster”, which focuses on technology, design, and innovative planning strategies that take climate change and earthquake hazards into account, and then introduce her current projects at the MIT Urban Risk Lab. Projects range from architectural housing prototypes and online interactive planning strategies to innovative AI and machine learning platforms for prioritizing actions. All projects are based on Urban Risk Lab's philosophy of linking actions in the event of disaster to everyday activities, with the goal of connecting the spaces and societies we design, build, and protect to the digital world.

She is a landscape architect and architect. She taught at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University and the University of Toronto prior to joining the faculty at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is completing her forthcoming book entitled Preemptive Design: Disaster and Urban Development along the Pacific Ring of Fire featuring case studies on infrastructure design, multifunctional public space and innovative planning strategies in earthquake prone regions. She is collaborating on a number of projects with institutions and organizations in the field of disaster reconstruction/prevention and is currently working in Haiti, India, Japan and Chile.
- Opening
- Special Seminar
- FORUM8 Presentation
"F8VPS / Case studies and new features of VR Design Studio
UC-win/Road and Shade3D / Presentation on FEM,
UC-1 series, Suite ERP, and related solutions"
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Report of Past MIT Special Seminars