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FORUM8 recruit information

Recruitment background

FORUM8 exerts its force primarily on the development/marketing of software that support civil engineering design, analysis, architectural design, etc. and lately the company has expanded its business into the development of Interactive 3D Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation & Modeling software as well as engineering services including analysis service and system development, offering various types of system integration including the development of Driving Simulators. We have our development and technical support group in Tokyo, Miyazaki, and Osaka. We envision the strategic production of software solutions and seek to bring our software service to higher levels. In terms of sales, we have been selling our products both domestically and internationally, with international users from Korea, China, United States, to name a few. We are planning for an extensive and stronger overseas dealer network with China placed in high priority. Foreign engineers skilled in English, Chinese Korean and other bilinguals have a great opportunity to work with us.

New Graduate Recruitment
Development Specialist Recruitment
Overseas Subsidiaries Recruiting
Internship Application & Guidelines
  Those who are foreign nationality, please contact us for detail.
Examination in English available

You can send your application at any time. We swear to secrecy of application.
Inquiries about recruitment and application

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We were certified by the Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare as the "Grade 3 Eruboshi" company based on
the Act of Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement
in the Workplace

FORUM8 has implemented the next goals and measures as the general business owner action plan based on the Act of Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. FORUM8 was certified as a "Grade 3 Eruboshi" company according to the Article 9 in this law on January 9th, 2024.

Press Release
Certification seal
(called Eruboshi)
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