The "Regional Revitalization / National Resilience FORUM8 Seminar Fair" was held online from February 2022 in Okinawa, Fukuoka, Matsuyama, Osaka, Toyama, and Nagoya. Special lectures under the theme of national resilience and DX provided suggestions tailored to the characteristics of each region.
After the special lectures, Forum8 gave presentations at each venue, proposing products and solutions that support national resilience and DX.
Dr. Yukihiro Masuda (Department of Planning Architecture and Environmental Systems, Faculty of Systems Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology), made a speech about expectation for national resilience and DX, initiatives of each area as a special lecture.
He spoke about the importance of visualizing and sharing information under the age of VUCA, where the future is uncertain and difficult to make use of past experience, as exemplified by climate change, pandemics, and war. He also discussed the importance of creating a business continuity plan (BCP) for each company in order to build a resilient city.
He suggested that it is desirable not to recover to the original state after the disaster, but to recover to a new form while realizing DX, and that we should aim for an organization and society that does not "lose" even though it is difficult to win in a crisis event.
Another special lecture was given by Dr. Satoshi Fujii, (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University), on the theme of "Efforts toward National Land Resilience in Each Region and Future Prospects.
Examples of huge disasters around the world, the possibility of a country's history being overturned by a huge disaster, as well as the damage assumptions of the Nankai Trough earthquake, earthquakes directly under urban areas, and typhoons as possible disasters in the future were introduced. He also stated that national land resilience is an effective means to reduce assumed damage by more than 30% and to increase cost-effectiveness by several times.
Four important elements of national land resilience were proposed: structural measures, non-structural measures, decentralization, and enhancement of national strength.
3DVR hazard map explained by Professor Masuda (In Okinawa, Matsuyama, Toyama and Nagoya) |
Economic impact of investment in resilience by Professor Fujii (In Osaka and Fukuoka) |