This is an international design competition for students to compete amongst
each other in designing an innovative architecture, bridge and city design
using BIM/CIM &VR technologies. We encourage students from different
departments majoring in different field of studies to make a team to work
on their model together to demonstrate that BIM/CIM can be used in various
■Qualification for applicant
All the team members involved should be either students or working students.
There must be at least 3 members in your team to apply. Please make sure
you outline the work contributed by each member of your team.
■Available software (planned)
・UC-win/Road (including Tsunami, Debris-Avalanche, Point Cloud / As-built drawing management plug-ins)
・Engineer's Studio® ・Shade3D
・UC-1 for SaaS (UC-1 cloud version, RC section, FRAME, others)
・EXODUS/SMARTFIRE Analysis Support Service *1
・Municipality Solution *2
・VR City planning system *2 |
・3DCAD Studio®
・UC-1 Series (Bridge pier design, Bridge abutment design, 3D bar arrangement CAD)
・Wind and Heat Movement Analysis Support Service *1
・Parking Solution *2
・Super Computing Cloud® *2 |
*1 Simplified analysis service with BIM data is provided.
*2 Various solution/service (analysis/rendering, etc) are available for a limited time for application in BIM. Advance counseling about the purpose of use is required.
■Judging standard The use of UC-win/Road is mandatory for the creation of the work. In addition, contestants must use at least one more FORUM8 software/solution to create their project, which must have the element of the BIM/CIM and VR and the capability to be used within these disciplines.
■Registration period / Schedule
Registration period |
* Ended |
Notification of the preliminary result |
Mon. July 8, 2019 |
Project submission period |
Fri. Sep. 27 – Wed. Oct. 2, 2019 [JST24:00] |
Judging period (on cloud) |
Mon. Oct. 7 - Wed. Oct. 9, 2019 |
Nomination announcement |
Fri. Oct. 11, 2019 |
Results announcement
/ Award ceremony |
Thu. Nov. 14, 2019 at Shinagawa Intercity Hall |
* Travel and accommodation cost are covered for the selected teams for nominated works.
Up to 3 members from Japan outside the Kanto area and 2 members from overseas
in each nominated team will be invited to the Award Ceremony.
■Judging Committee
Prof. Yasushi Ikeda (Chief of executive committee of VDWC Graduate School
of Keio University Representative of IKDS)
Prof. Kostas Terzidis
(Tongji University, China)
Prof. Masaru Minagawa (Faculty of Engineering Department of Urban and Civil
Engineering /Vice President, Tokyo City University)
Prof. DAVID TSENG (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
World Cup Prize : 1 (Award 300,000 yen)
Excellent prize : 2 (Award 100,000 yen)
Judge's special prize : About 4 (Award 50,000 yen)
■For inquiries
FORUM8 Co., Ltd Tokyo head office Publishing team in charge of Virtual Design World Cup
TEL:03-6894-1888 E-mail:vdwc@forum8.co.jp URL: http://vdwc.forum8.co.jp/english/
