Dealer Network News
  DEALER NETWORK   i4f (innovation 4 the future)


A transport technology company i4f (innovation 4 the future), based in Brno in the Czech Republic, is the latest member of the growing network of FORUM8 Partners.

i4f specializes in the design of transport infrastructure, as well as in the fields of transport telematics, transport modelling and software development. It has developed business relationships with a wide range of market leading transport based companies in both the Czech and Slovak Republics. One of the core philosophies of i4f is the objective of improving road safety, to this end the company's CEO Dr Ivan Fencl is a signatory of the Make Roads Safe initiative of the ITE Force Safety Conference in the US and is actively involved in the annual BRNOSAFETYconferences.

He commented; "The FORUM8 software (VR-Design Studio) is very interesting with high quality outputs. I look forward to collaboration with your company and providing services for customers in the Czech and Slovak Republic or other CEE countries who are interested in 3D VR".

Since i4f is a distributor for Aimsun, we will provide a high-quality traffic simulation by the cooperation of UC-win/Road and Aimsun via Aimsun plugin.

(Up&Coming '18 Summer issue)