Support Topics
 Support Topics・Shade3D

File management by using ShadeExplorer



Shade3D is equipped with a useful function called as ShaedeExplorer. This function allows the user to manage data including scene files, surface material, background, images, and sound, in a catalogue format.
By installing contents data (Shade3D contents installer, Shade3D HDRI background installer, etc.) which is included in the Shade3D software, users can check high-quality scene files and use several pre-set settings of, for example, transparent, metallic, or many other surface materials.
In addition to this contents data, users can also create new data and add it to the ShadeExplorer, this allows users to check what scene data they created before is stored. This function also simplifies the model creation process by being able to reuse and insert old data into other scene files.
In this topic, we will explain how to create a catalogue in ShadeExplorer and how to manage the files.

How to create a catalogue

Create a new folder on the PC's hard disk or desktop, and save all data files (scene file, surface material, etc.) you want to manage as a "catalogue" in one file.
Go to Shade3D "View menu" > "ShadeExplorer" and click "Create Catalog".

After the dialog box appears, click the path "Browse" button and specify a folder in which the scene files are stored. Enter a catalogue name in a window.

* Check in "Include subfolders" and the subfolders in the selected folder will also be registered.
When you have finished the entry, the catalogue name is displayed in the "User Catalog" on the left of the window. On the right side of the window, "file names" and "thumbnails" of the saved scene data are displayed.

Update catalogue

Icons on the "User Catalog" means Display folder / Update / Edit / Delete from the left.

Click the "Display folder" to display a folder that original files are stored in.

Click the "Update" button when the configuration of scene file or folder change or a scene file is added.

"Edit" button changes a catalogue name or a reference folder. Use "Delete" button to delete catalogues.

Catalogue usage

In addition to scene files, image file / sound file / surface material setting file can be displayed in created catalogues.
Right click on a thumbnail in the Windows version or click on a thumbnail while pressing the Ctrl key in the MacOS version to show the menu. Users can "open" the file as a new scene file or "insert" it in the existing scene file under edit.

We are not often able to know the shape of 3D CG model or the difference of depiction of surface material and lighting according to settings until we really arrange the model.

Creating catalogues for each requirement makes the data management and depiction test easier.

(Up&Coming '19 Summer issue)