Sample data have become available since UC-win/Road Ver. 3.04.04. Let us intorduce the feature from our sample data collection
Sample Data
World heritage sample data <as of February 19, 2009>
- Historic Areas of Istanbul (the Republic of Turkey)
- Angkor Vat (the Kingdom of Cambodia)
- Borobudur Temple Compounds (the Republic of Indonesia)
- Gyeongju Historic Areas (the People's Republic of China)
- The Great Wall of China (the People's Republic of China)
- Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang
(the People's Republic of China)
- Sydney opera house (Australia)
- Historic District of Old Que'bec (Canada)
- Churches of Chiloe (the Republic of Chile)
- Kiyomizu-dera Temple (Japan)
World heritage sample data |
Sample Data (scheduled to be added)
- Simulation sample data with xpswmm (rain-water runoff analysis Software)
- Sample data with EXODUS (a evacuation model for construction environment)
- Road design sample data: Road driving regulation model / Nikko Utsunomiya
road and more
- Scenic highway sample data: Example of satoyama and biotope / Echigo tsumari
- FORUM8 offices neighboring data: Tokyo head office / Osaka branch office
/ Nagoya sales office / Fukuoka sales office / Miyazaki branch office /
NZ office
- World heritage sample data: Himeji-jo Castle / Maritime Greenwich are scheduled
to be added.

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