Product Price
Engineer's Studio(R) High Performance Computing on Cloud servicesOption |
Engineer's Studio(R)'s license is needed for the use of this option.
Price is calculated by "option basic price + Supercomputing analysis
Option basic price
Service |
Price |
Price of Engineer's Studio(R)SupercomputingOption |
US$ 180/month |
* Additional cost for software protection : US$ 260
* UC-1 for SaaS Server use license[until 1user/1GB] :US$ 40/month is needed separately.
* Upon min 2 months application period, it is possible to apply by one
month unit. For extension of the period, it shall be applied one month
beforehand. |
Analysis Support Service "High Performance Computing option" |
SuperComputing usage fee as per the general analysis support+analysis time
of Engineer's Studio(R) .
Creation of data is the same as usual Engineer's Studio(R) analysis support.
At the time of the analysis using a supercomputer, usage cost of supercomputer
is charged separately.
Analysis time would differ as per model. |
UC-win/RoadCG movie service |
low: VR model of FORUM8 Miyazaki office
middle: VR model of the area around Nakameguro station in Tokyo
high: VR model of canal ecology restoration at North China
Blu-ray graphic mode (1920x1080) , 24FPS , 1 minute |
The number of polygons |
low |
middle |
high |
price |
US$ 2,859.50
US$ 8,578.50
US$ 21,497.50
The shortest time for delivery * |
11 days
(Use of 5 nodes) |
24 days
(Use of 10 nodes.) |
40 days
(Use of 20 nodes.) |
Price breakdown |
Rendering cost for 1 minute animation |
US$ 1,440
US$ 4,320
US$ 14,400
Cost of rendering preparation work |
US$ 1,419.50
US$ 4,258.50
US$ 7,097.50
* Rendering time in the case of one node |
30 days |
90 days |
300 days |
DVD graphic mode(720x480) , 24FPS , 1 minute |
The number of polygons |
low |
middle |
high |
price |
US$ 1,709.50
US$ 2,309.50
US$ 5,719
The shortest time for delivery * |
6 days
(Use of 5 nodes) |
7 days
(Use of 10 nodes.) |
13 days
(Use of 20 nodes.) |
Price breakdown |
Rendering cost for 1 minute animation |
US$ 290
US$ 890 |
US$ 2,880 |
Cost of rendering preparation work |
US$ 1,419.50
US$ 1,419.50
US$ 2,839
* Rendering time in the case of one node |
6 days |
18 days |
60 days |
LowRes (512*384) , 15FPS , 1 minute |
The number of polygons |
low |
middle |
high |
price |
US$ 1,859.50
US$ 2,859.50 |
The shortest time for delivery * |
6 days
(Use of 5 nodes) |
6 days
(Use of 10 nodes.) |
7 days
(Use of 20 nodes.) |
Price breakdown |
Rendering cost for 1 minute animation |
US$ 150
US$ 440
US$ 1,440
Cost of rendering preparation work |
US$ 1,419.50
US$ 1,419.50
US$ 2,839.00
* Rendering time in the case of one node |
3 days |
9 days |
30 days |
* Unit price of Engineer for UC-win/Road : US$ 283.90/day
* The addition of a point light source : additional 0.05man day/point,
Addition of local fog |
Wind and heat fluid anaylsis/simulation supercomputing service |
Supercomputer usage fee as per the time of analysis model creation and
analysis time.
Analysis time would differ as per model.
( * Usage cost of supercomputer is charged separately. )
Quotation example(Analysis for integration time 10 minutes for city area of 1km~1km)
Service |
Price |
Steady analysis (About 2 days(2880minutes)in use of supercomputer) |
US$4,320 |
Nonsteady analysis (About 16 days(23040minutes)in use of supercomputer) |
US$34,560 |
Noise analysis/simulation supercomputing service |
Option basic price
Service |
Price |
Noise simulation SuperComputing on cloud (TM)Option |
US$ 180/month |
* UC-1 for SaaS Server license[until 1user/1GB] : US$ 40/month is needed separately.
* Upon min 2months application period, it is possible to apply by one month
unit. For extension of the period, it shall be applied one month
beforehand. |
Supercomputing analysis price
Engineer's Studio(R) SupercomputingOption /Noise analysis/simulatioin supercomputing
Analysis time by FOCUS supercomputer is measured and the time analyzed
by FOCUS supercomputer is totaled at the end of the month and the following
fee would be charged as per the total time. (by one minute unit )
Total analysis time |
Price |
-up to 1 hour |
US$ 2/minute |
-up to 5 hour |
US$ 1,8/minute |
Over 5 hours |
US$ 1,5/minute |
* Upon min 2months application period, it is possible to apply by one month
unit. For extension of the period, it shall be applied one month
beforehand. |