CIM的應用事例在土木學會主辦的「CIM相關報告會(札幌)」中被介紹。 |
Executing the animation allows
you to see the explanation on the simulation of regulated traffic.
Moreover, executing the scenario enables you to see what it's like
driving through regulated traffic under various conditions. |
Qube Ports and Bulk |
從車輛專用搬運船隻將車輛卸貨,並將車停到埠頭為目的的專門駕駛員培訓,製作了包含搬運船隻和埠頭在內的VR數據。駕駛員在培訓過程中會遭遇各種日照、天氣條件等危險情況,最終將車輛停靠在埠頭的停車位置。完成後對駕駛、停車技能進行診斷並輸出結果。 |

*This movie has sounds |
Executing the animation allows
you to see the overview of ship and driving situation. Moreover
executing the 5 scenarios enables you to experience unloading in the
different kinds of scenes. |
Consultants Co., LTD. |
海嘯對策的諮詢過程中,考慮動態波浪的行為通過微觀模型對海嘯分析結果、緊急時的車輛交通進行模擬,綜合交通分析的考慮導出結果。利用這些結果通過在同一VR空間內進行可視化評價,與以往的諮詢手法相比可得到更有價值的結果。 |
Executing the animation allows
you to see the evacuation situation in the event of tsunami occurs and
tsunami prevention measures in VR environment. Flash movie shows the
images before and after measures are taken. |
TS TECH Co., Ltd. |
透過轉彎時用於抑制身體的傾斜的「拐角支援功能」、操作方向盤時輔助肩膀活動的「座椅靠背面可變功能」,在保持適當的駕駛姿勢的同時提高在遇到衝突時乘客的束縛效果所添置的「預碰撞緩衝安全功能」,用於體驗智能座椅的模擬器。 |

*This movie has sounds |
Executing the animation allows
you to see the explanation on the "Intelligent Seat". Executing the
scenario enables you to experience driving on a course used for the
simulator. |
了車站周邊建築及地下通道,透過模擬車輛、行人的行動,進行車輛信號控制及地下街人群行動的分析,用於災害時的避難誘導,以及電子廣告牌對人流誘導效果的驗證等,透過ICT用於探求未來社會優化方面的研究。 |
An area above and below ground
of JR Osaka station are expressed in VR environment. Executing the
animation allows you to see the traffic situation on ground, the crowd
walking inside the underground shopping mall, and people evacuating in
the event of the emergency. |
評審員特別獎 Design Award
Mr. Fumio Seki (Nihon University) |
用駕駛模擬器進行了實驗。製作了總里程13公里的道路,基於駕駛員的油門、煞車、速度、中央分隔線的偏離位置等參數的LOG資訊,對超車區間駕駛員的狀態、行為作了分析和判定。 |
Executing the animation allows
you to see the structure of a new type of road "2+1". Moreover
executing the scenario enables you to experience driving on the actual
road. |
Regional Construction Award
Mr. Hiroo Kasagi (NPO Chiiki Zukuri Kobo) |
連接位於東西兩頭的2條城市規劃道路,由於包含學生上下課的通學專用路,通過設置人行道及自行車專用道,在設計上確保學生的安全。為了讓當地居民確認道路的通行性能,製作了跨線橋和涵洞。3DVR的製作淺顯易懂地向當地居民表達了設計意圖,今後還將應用在項目說明會。 |
VR data in which the
construction plan of the urban highway is visualized. Executing the
animation allows you to watch the construction process, overpass and
see what's it like driving at night. It is possible to see the
situation around the construction site from various viewpoints and
switch the time by selecting the context. and switch the time by
selecting the context. |
Engineering Award
Mr. Tatsuoki Inagaki (Pave & Road How-To Way Technology
Association) |
野田工程株式會社 |
架設鐵道橋橫樑時,單線區間架設空間普遍比較狹窄,尤其是在車站站台區域或者山區等地段,如何確保場地是經常遇到的課題。近年來,尤其受集中暴雨等影響,橋樑被沖走的現象也偶有發生。在類似這些位置如何確保施工,對架設工法通過VR進行提案。 |
Executing the animation allows
you to see the explanation of the engineering method. It is possible to
see the situation around the construction site from the various points
of view and switch the time by selecting the context. |
Transportation Safety Authority(TS) |
VR數據,用於項目報告和宣傳資料。為了提供視覺上高品質的映像,數據不單利用UC-win/Road進行了道路的建模,還對實際地形和周邊建築物進行了現實世界的精巧重現,此VR數據也應用在實際業務中。 |
Executing the animation allows
you to see safety measures at the intended spots. Moreover it is
possible to switch from the traffic state before measures were taken to
the traffic state after measures were taken or vice versa by selecting
the camera position. |
在廣告效應和提高問卷調查的回收率上也做出了貢獻。今後還將進一步擴大應用範圍。 |
Executing the animation allows
you to see what's it like travelling on highway with smart IC en route
to the airport. Moreover executing scenario enables you to experience
what's it like driving through smart IC. |
面向汽車駕駛員的3D VR培訓環境
Virtual Simulation and Training
Inc.(VSAT) |
以駕駛訓練為目的,在UC-win/Road空間上包含道路、交叉口、交通錐在26平方公里的區域內配置了難關路線。從別的畫面利用模擬控制台軟體可改變各種天氣、環境條件、危險事件以及控制訓練的不同內容,對培訓者進行駕駛培訓。 |

*This movie has sounds |
A driver training environment
designed to teach driving skills. Executing the animation allows you to
see a drive through the training environment that shows various parts
(city, highway, cone course etc) of the training course. Moreover
executing the scenario enables you to experience driving through the
training environment and replay dangerous scenes. |
萩原電氣株式會社 |
車載ADAS(高級駕駛支援系統)領域中,作為危險場景的評價被應用。重現各類環境的VR駕駛模擬器與外部設備組合進行綜合評價,利用VR優勢可構築相關的開發環境。 |

*This movie has sounds |
This is a data to be used for
dangerous scene assessment in the disicpline of in-vehicle ADAS
(Advanced Driver Assistance System). Executing the animation allows you
to see the explanation of the system. Moreover, executing the scenario
enables you to experience driving on a test. |