Dawning of a new business era through real-time 3D VR technologies!
National resilience, autonomous driving, BIM/CIM, cloud computing…
The era when virtuality crosses with reality... FORUM 8. |
An invitation to Design Festival 2015
We at Forum 8 Co. Ltd. would like to express our sincerest gratitude over
your continued attention, support and patronage.
As with previous years, Forum 8 will be hosting the 9th Design Festival
2015 at Shinagawa, Tokyo. However, this year we have extended the Festival
by adding a new "Festival Eve" to the 3-day long event held at
the Shinagawa Intercity complex. The new Festival Eve will be held at the
Shinagawa Prince Hotel Club eX, making the entire Design Festival officially
a 4-day long event.
Since its initial release in 1981, our UC-1 series has undergone through
many major upgrades and continue to evolve into many new products, which
will be announced during the event. We also released the Engineer's Suite
Integration Computation and the 3DCAD Studio. For the FEM Analysis line,
we have released Engineer's Studio Ver. 5 with enhanced plate element features,
and updated the FEMLEEG to allow wider uses, such as 3-dimensional solid
analysis. These efforts combined really allow us to strike deeply into
the heart of CIM business and support our users through our high-precision
3-dimensional analysis.
Finally, the award-winning UC-win/Road has now both been widely used as a simulation tool, forming the backbone of our IM & VR products and CIM solutions. Furthermore, we also recently receive a lot of patronage from automakers and many other industries for simulation or concept visualization. Our latest example of such solutions is the 4K-5-screen CAVE driving simulator currently situated in Nagoya University. We continue to explore future domestic and foreign opportunities to help enhance the system development process of our clients.
Since October 1, 2015, we have established a new Nagoya Showroom at the 36th floor of Nagoya JR Central Towers. Similar to Tokyo, the new Nagoya Showroom will exhibit our integrated systems and host web seminars.
The typical 14th 3D VR Simulation Contest, the 16th UC-win/Road Conference,
the 9th Design Conference have an unprecedented increase in popularity
this year. The 2nd National Resilience Design Award, and our student contests,
the 5th VDWC and the 3rd CPWC have all received an all-time high in attention
levels and projects. During each sessions, we will invite guest presenters
of various backgrounds and our avid users to present their latest works
and exchange opinions with all of our guests. We will also demonstrate
many of our new products and solutions, as well as announcing the printed
works of "VR Road Engineering" and "Environmental Assessment
through VR Cloud" (both in Japanese), which are newly published by
Forum 8 Publishing.
We sincerely thank you for you attendance under a busy schedule.
Yuji Ito, CEO of FORUM8 Co. Ltd. |
< General information of the Festival > |
Venue |
Shinagawa INTERCITY Hall MAP / FORUM8 Tokyo Head Office Seminar Room |
Participation fee |
Free of charge (Registration in advance recommended) |
Organization |
FORUM8 Co., Ltd |
2015.11.17 Tue |
Eve of FORUM8 Design Festival |
"Projection Mapping & Illumination via The Latest State of the
Arts" |
FORUM8 users and visitors from overseas will be very much welcomed! A dinner
buffet modeled after Japanese Festival food stalls will be held. |
11.17 Tue |
The Eve of FORUM8 Design Festival 2015
Venue : Shinagawa Prince Hotel Club eX |
Starts at 18:00 - 21:00
Projection Mapping & Illumination via The Latest Arts Technology!
FORUM8 users and visitors from overseas will be very much welcomed! A dinner
buffet modeled after Japanese Festival food stalls will be held.
Food items such as sandwiches, dim sum, steak, cotton candy, soft serve
ice cream, and snacks, will all be served with a Japanese-styled twist. |
DJ Oni travels and has performed in London, Tokyo, Myanmar and India. He
has also worked on numerous huge events for both embassies and commercial
patrons. The short film "ENSEMBLE", of which he worked as a musical
director, was shown and well-received at the Cannes International Film
Festival 2015, and nominated at the Brooklyn International Film Festival
and the Bucheon International Film Festival. His first and recent collaboration
work with Namy and "Piano with Headphone" gave birth to an album
released in April 2015, which successfully made its way into the US Billboard
Buzz Chart.
Digital drawing event will also be held! No blank! |
11.18 Wed |
The 16th UC-win/Road Conference Driving Simiulator sessions |
10:00-17:40 Driving Simiulator Sessions Venue : Hall |
Visitors can come to this showroom all day during the 8th Design Festival
2014. |
"A Simulator that Evaluates the Driving Capabilities of Seniors"
- The research findings to date and future research tasks -
Tomoaki Nakano, Professor, Dept of Information Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University |
"The latest trends in the model-based development process"
- The latest information on the development environment for HILs testing
and the possibility of using systems linked with a VR environment -
Takashi Miyano, President of dSPACE Japan. |
"City Logistics in the ICT age and the latest research on the dynamics
of blood flow in drivers' brains"
- City logistics management in the information age and the research into
drivers' 'load' and its effect in the risk of road accidents, taking into
account the dynamics of blood flow in drivers' brains -
Eiichi Taniguchi, Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering Department or Urban Management |
"The forefront of vehicle motion simulation -CarSim, TruckSim, BikeSim-"
Eiji Takita, President of Virtual Mechanics Corporation (VMC). |
"The possibility of new simulators using the physical computing engine
"AgX Dynamics""
Akira Nagahara, GM Sales&Marketing, MotionSim Department, VMC Inc. |
"latest functions of UC-win/Road Ver.11 and the future software development
Pencreach Yoann, FORUM8 |
"Development example of FORUM8's simulator systems"
Katsumi Matsuda, FORUM8 |
The 9th Design Conference Administration Sessions |
13:00-17:10 Administration Sessions Venue : FORUM8 Seminar room |
13:00 - 14:00 |
"We would like to know! My Number (Individual Number) / Stress Check"
- The gist about My Number which is about to be introduced and the Stress
Check Test which will be compulsory in December in Japan will be introduced.
Masanori Koizumi, Labour and Social Security Attorney Office, Koizumi Office |
"Strategic use of M&A"
- The method to avoid the opportunity loss caused by a preconceived idea
and to use M&A effectivelly and strategically -
Yasunari Kumeji, Certified Public Accountant, Kujime Accounting
Office |
"Revision of the employee's invention system"
-Who's right to obtain the patent?-
Eiji Ogawa, Patent Attorney, Nagato & Partners Patent &
Trademark Attorney Firm |
"The influence for companies and individuals exerted by the first
amendment of the Civil Code in 120 years"
-Explanation of Civil Code amendment applied to society and economic changes-
Wayo Nakamoto, Norifumi Ueda, Lawyer, Nakamoto & Partners |
"The latest function of Groupweb, FORUM8's core corporate system"
Shunya Takatani, FORUM8 |
13 : 15-17 : 00 Support Sessions |
FORUM8 Presentation room |
CIM Hands-on Experience Area |
At the aisle of FORUM8 showroom |
Engineer's Studio® / Geotechnical Analysis series FEMLEEG / UC-1 series |
Our developers will answer your question you may have on products' operation.
*Prior registration is required. |
11/18 Wed 18:00-21:00 |
Premium users of FORUM8 products are invited. |
Networking Party A networking party will be held to serve as a place for exchanging information or opening new business opportunities
We plan to invite all our presenters and guest session speakers to this
networking party. |
11.19 Thu |
The 16th UC-win/Road Conference General Sessions |
9:30-13:15 General Sessions Venue : Hall |
9:30 - 10:30 |
"Evacuation Analysis of a Large-Scale Event"
- Using 2020 Tokyo Olympics as an Example of Evaucation Proposals -
Edwin R. Galea, Professor, University of Greenwich |
Award Ceremony for the 14th 3DVR Simulation Contest on Cloud」 |
12:00 - 13:15 Buffet for lunch |
Premium users of FORUM8 products are invited. |
The 9th Design Conference IM&VR Sessions |
13 : 15 - 17 : 40 IM&VR Sessions Venue : Hall |
Presentation and Final Judgment of The 5th Virtual Design World Cup / The
3rd Cloud Programming World Cup
Host and Presentor : Ryuta Ieiri |
"Self-Assessement for Prompting the Greenification of the Economy
and Society"
Syuichi Sakata, Environmental Impact Analysis Team, Department
of Environmental Policy, Japan Ministry of Environment |
"Utilizing 3D VR for Self-Environmental Assessment"
Hiro Kasagi, CEO, NPO Workshop for Sustainable Community |
The 5th Virtual Design World Cup/The 3rd Cloud Programming World Cup Award Ceremony
Junior 3D VR Seminar Award Ceremony
Host : Yuji Abe / Presenter : Ryuta Ieiri |
The 9th Design Conference Geotechnical Sessions |
13 : 15 - 16 : 30 Geotechnical Sessions Venue : FORUM8 Seminar room |
"Utilizing Geotechnical Information for Geotechnical Analysis & Disaster Evaluation"
Koji Yamamoto, Lead Researcher, Geotechnical Information Group,
Department of Regional Geotechnical Research Department, Institute of Regional
Geotechnical & Environmental Researches |
"Extracting and Contrasting the Differences in Analysis Methodology
and Pros & Cons Between the Static and Dynamic FEM Analysis of River
Tomohiro Ogawa, Token C.E.E. Consultants Co. Ltd. - Chubu Branch
Office, Department of Riverworks Engineering, Vice Technical Manager |
"Quantitative Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Soil Works Using Geotextiles"
Shinichiro Tsuji, Group Manager of Reinforced Soil, Department
of Reinforced Soil & Fluid Displacement, Department of Geosynthetics,
Maeda Kosen Co., Ltd. |
"The latest information of FORUM8's Geotechnical Analysis Series Products"
Takayoshi Inukai, FORUM8 Co. Ltd. |
13 : 15 - 17 : 00 Support Sessions |
FORUM8 Presentation room |
CIM Hands-on Experience Area |
At the aisle of FORUM8 showroom |
UC-win/Road |
11/19 Thu Venue : Foyer 17:40-19:40 |
Premium users of FORUM8 products are invited. |
Networking Party and Book Launch Party |
Urban Environment Assessment by Hirooh Kasagi, President of NPO Workshop for Sustainable Community |
Learning Road & Pavement Construction Engineering Through VR by Tatsuoki Inagaki, President of Pave & Road How-To Way Technology
Association (Paroway Tec). |
Special offer on the books published by FORUM8 Publishing Group
We will offer all books published by FORUM8 Publishing Group including
the latest release "Introduction to Geotechnical Analysis - The New
Edition" at a special price. |
The 9th Design Conference Design, Analysis and Seismic Sessions |
9 : 30 - 15 : 20 Design, Analysis and Seismic Sessions Venue : Hall |
"Oh I See! Measures for National Resilience and Regional Rebuilding
is essential"
– The Various Regional Measures Taken to Build a Disaster-Resilient Nation
– An In Depth Explanation -
Keiji Furuya, Member of the House of Representative, Former
Minister of National Resilience |
The 2nd National Resilience Design Award Award Ceremony |
12:00-13:15 Buffet for lunch |
Premium users of FORUM8 products are invited. |
"From Railway Structure Design to Construction to Maintenance"
Tadayoshi Ishibashi, Board Chairman, JR East-Japan Consultants |
"Tunnel Management using a mobile imaging and mapping system that
incorporates VR Technology"
Toru Yasuda, Chief Engineer of Quality and Technology Control
Center, Pacific Consultants co., ltd. |
"Introduction to WCOMDStudio together with FORUM8's Latest FEM Solutions"
Norio Tashiro, FORUM8 |
The 9th Design Conference CIM Sessions |
15 : 30 - 17 : 30 CIM Sessions Venue : Hall |
"A Three Dimensional CIM Development & Design Assistance System
Based on UC-win/Road"
Taku Hirai, Technical Manager, Production Department, Takenaka Corporation |
"Case study of CIM&VR use"
Takeshi Magara, Duty Manager of CIM/ Informationalized Construction
Team of Planning and Development Group, iwasaki Co., Ltd. |
"3DCADStudio® and とFORUM8 CIM solution"
Tateyasu Okuma, FORUM8 |
The 9th Design Conference Water Works Sessions |
13 : 15 - 17 : 25 Water Works Sessions Venue : FORUM8 Presentation room |
"Water diaster risk analysis and strategies to building a flood proof
Tetsuya Sumi, Associate Professor, Dept of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Daido University |
"Case studies of 2D modeling via xpswmm"
Hideaki Yamaga, Nihon Suiko Sekkei Co., Ltd. |
"The latest case studies of flood simulation model xpswmm 2015 and
future development plan for XP2DFV"
Sudesh Mudaliar, XP Solutions Inc. Vice President - Asia Pacific |
Case studies of water works solution by FORUM8 users |
16:45 - 17:25 |
"The latest on FORUM8's water work design software and future development"
Takayoshi Inukai, Chief Manager of FORUM8 Nagoya Office |
The 16th UC-win/Road Conference |
The 8th International VR Symposium
The 1st State of the Art Technologies in Expression / Latest Contents /
CRAVA Sessions |
9 : 30 - 17: 00 "The Hottest & Most Current 3D Projects
Explained! An Overview Peek at the World 16 Summer Workshop Venue : FORUM8 Seminar room |
"Drone Flying over Greek Skies!"
Making 3D Modes by Utilizing 4K Videos and Photogrammetry |
"Laser Scanning Turns Streets or Cities into Point-Cloud Data!"
An Evaluation of the Capabilities of Portable Scanners |
"Turn VR City Data into Projection Mapping Projects"
Performing Projection Mapping onto Objects Created by 3D Printers
and Laser Cutters |
"Projection Mapping VR Projects onto Japan’s Ancient Bridges and World
Heritage Site Mt. Goka" |
"An Entertaining Twist of a VR City Model by Game Developers!" |
Presenters from World16
- Yoshihiro Kobayashi, Arizona State University, representative of FORUM8 AZ
- Matthew Swarts, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Ruth Ron, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design
- Kostas Terzidis, Associate Professor of Harvard University
- Paolo Fiamma, Professor of University of Pisa
- Thomas Tucker, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Tomohiro Fukuda, Osaka University, Chief of judge of CPWC
- Taro Narahara, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Judge of CPWC
Presenter from CRAVA
- Masaya Mikami, Chief Director of CRAVA
Presenter from The Association of State of the Art Technologies in Visual
- Satoshi Machida, The Association of State of the Art Technologies in
Visual Expression |
15 : 55 - 17 : 00 Demonstration of FORUM8's systems
/ 18 : 00 - 20 : 00 Farewell Party Venue : FORUM8 Showroom |
During the last night of Design Festival 2015, the projection mapping performance
exhibited during the Festival Eve on the first day will be recreated under
a miniaturized setting via 3D printed miniature models in the FORUM 8 Tokyo
HQ Showroom. In addition, the various kinds of 3D VR systems will also
once again be showcased. Once all sessions end, a Farewell Party will be
held between 18:00 - 20:00 |
13 : 15 - 17 : 00 Support Sessions |
FORUM8 Presentation room |
UC-win/Road |
11/21 Sat Special golf competition and Mt. Fuji, Hakone and Gotenba tour for Premium
Users of FORUM8 products |
Premium users of FORUM8 products are invited. |
 *You can either choose the tour or the golf competition but not both.
*FORUM8 will pay the cost of tour itself. However, applicants are responsible
for the travel fee to the gathering spot.
Application : Please tell your contact person of FORUM8 staff if you join each of these.
Deadline for works submittion |
: October 9 (Fri), 2015 |
Public voting on Cloud |
: November 7 (Sat) - November 15 (Sun), 2015 |
The 1st Judgment |
: October 16 (Fri), 2015 |
Final votin from judges |
: November 17 (Tue), 2015 |
The 13th Prize-winning works |
"Cooperative ITS Driving Simulator"
"Simulation for environmental upgrading around Higashi Takase river"
Fushimi Technical High School in Kyoto
Award Ceremony : November 19 (Thu), 2015 |
Deadline for works submittion |
: October 9 (Fri), 2015 |
Final votin from judges |
: November 17 (Tue), 2015 |
The 1st Judgment |
: October 16 (Fri), 2015 |
The 1st Prize-winning works |
"An examination of the seismic performance of steel strutted-beam rigid frame bridge older than 40 years and the consideration of the bridge reinforcement work in line with the New Japan Specifications for Highway Bridges"
- The application of the most optimal method of reinforcing the bridge
in terms of effectiveness and financial aspect including the use of dampers
for building base isolation and braces for constraining buckling -
Tounichi Sekkei Consultant
Award Ceremony : November 20 (Fri), 2015 |

Poster (PDF)(449KB) |

This contest will be held for elementary and middle school students who participated in Junior Software Seminars and users who purchased UC-win/Road Education version, eligible contestants to the contest.
Junior Software Seminar
The 4th : Augest 4 (Tue) 13:30 -Augest 5 (Wed) 16:30 during Summer Vacation |
Award Ceremony : November 19 (Thu), 2015 |
Work list for the 1st Junior Software Seminar


The 5th Virtual Design World Cup
The 5th Students BIM & VR Design Contest on Cloud
-Cloud-based design competition for civil engineering and construction works with BIM/CIM and VR! -
Theme 2015
"Redevelopment of Keelung Station Area in Taiwan"
This is an international design competition for students to compete amongst each other in designing an innovative architecture, bridge and city design using BIM/CIM &VR technologies.
Every year students compete for the top prize which is given to an outstanding work outlining a predefined theme in the aspect of design, innovative idea, and creativity. They plan and design their work based on the theme and then run a simulation. Their final model will be presented to the judges in a form of a script for evaluation.
To assist students with the production of their work, we plan to carry out workshops and seminars. We will also support the students who will make use of software from now on. Also you can communicate and collect a lot of information without having to visit the local area by participating various workshop reviews through the Web and VR forum ( 3D cloud BBS ). The script of VR data created by FORUM8's software and a "Concept poster" (A1 size (lateral) in PDF format) are required for the final submission and the judgment is performed on the basis of "VR Cloud judgment". We would like you to use FORUM8's BIM software and VR technologies by all means and consider this competition as an opportunity to create your masterpiece. We encourage students from different departments majoring in different field of studies to make a team to work on their model together to demonstrate that BIM/CIM can be used in various discipline.

<Overview> |
Organizer |
Virtual Design World Cup Executive Committee |
Judging Committee |
Prof. Yasushi Ikeda (Graduate School of Keio University / Chief of executive committee of VDWC / Representative of IKDS)
Mr. Yoshihisa Hanamura (NPO Civil Machizukudi Station)
Associate Prof. Kostas Terzidis (Harvard University, USA)
Mr. DAVID TSENG (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Mr. Patrick Janssen (National University of Singapore) |
Guideline for applicants |
Theme 2015
"Redevelopment of Keelung Station Area in Taiwan" |
Application term / Schedule |
Registration Period |
: |
Apr. 9 (Thu) - Jun. 19 (Fri)
Please submit the work plan by Jun. 19 after the registration. |
Rental duration for free licenses |
: |
April 9 (Thu) - November 27 (Fri), 2015 |
1st round presentation /review (*1) |
: |
Jun. 29 (Mon) |
Project Submission Period |
: |
Oct. 1 (Thu) - Oct. 6 (Tue) Japan Time |
Judging Period (*2) |
: |
Oct. 9 (Fri) - Oct. 15 (Thu) |
Results Announcement and Award Ceremony |
: |
Nov. 19 (Thu) Venue : Shinagawa INTERCITY Hall |
*1 The overview of the submitted work will be presented and reviewed at the International VR Symposium The 6th Summer Workshop in Greece.
*2 Travelling and accommodation fee are provided for the selected teams for nominated works. Up to 3 members from the area other than Kanto area and 2 member from overseas in each team are scheduled to be invited. |

PDF file of the poster for The 5th Virtual Design World Cup
can be downloaded from here (230KB).

Virtual Design World Cup on cloud on cloud Programming version
The 3rd Cloud Programming World Cup
-Put your programming skills of 3DVR Cloud application to the test with
FORUM8's Software Development Kit (SDK)!-

<Overview> |
Organizer |
Cloud Programming World Cup Executive Committee |
Judging Committee |
Associate Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda (Head of judges and associate professor from the Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University)
Mr. Hiroyuki Hakura (Delegate of "The Forum for Advancement of Stereoscopic Three Dimensional Image Technology and Arts"; and designated professor of Digital Hollywood University, Graduate School )
Associate Prof. Narahara Taro (Associate professor from the College of Architectural Design, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Mr. Yoann Pencreach (Chief Manager of VR development group, FORUM8) |
Guideline for applicants |
The objective of the competition is to develop software that can run on
VR-Cloud® using UC-win/Road SDK (Software Development Kit) and VR-Cloud®
SDK. This software could be: all-purpose software, application programs,
engineering software, business software or game software.
- UC-win/Road - UC-win/Road SDK - VR-Cloud® - VR-Cloud® SDK
- Unique transmission technology a3s(Anything as a Service) SDK
Examples of application that can be developed using the SDK |
Application term / Schedule |
Registration Period |
: |
Apr. 9 (Thu) - Jun. 19 (Fri)
Please submit the work plan by Jun. 19 after the registration. |
Rental duration for free licenses |
: |
April 9 (Thu) - November 27 (Fri), 2015 |
1st round presentation /review (*1) |
: |
Jun. 29 (Mon) |
Project Submission Period |
: |
Oct. 1 (Thu) - Oct. 6 (Tue) Japan Time |
Judging Period (*2) |
: |
Oct. 9 (Fri) - Oct. 15 (Thu) |
Results Announcement and Award Ceremony |
: |
Nov. 19 (Thu)
Venue : Shinagawa INTERCITY Hall |
*1 The overview of the submitted work will be presented and reviewed at
the International VR Symposium The 6th Summer Workshop in Greece.
*2 Travelling and accommodation fee are provided for the selected teams
for nominated works. Up to 3 members from the area other than Kanto area
and 2 member from overseas in each team are scheduled to be invited. |

PDF file of the poster for The 3rd Cloud Programming World Cup
can be downloaded from here (161KB).
International VR Symposium The6th Summer Workshop in Greece |
VR Symposium is a workshop in which we invite internationally acclaimed
researchers to give them the opportunity to present their research
findings with the ultimate goal of popularizing the application of the
cutting-edge 3D VR technologies among architecture and civil engineering
researchers worldwide, and we have already held such workshop 5 times
in different parts of the globe.
This year the symposium will take place in Greece. We have scheduled several
sessions which include technical lectures and technical tour. Research
presentation and workshop on the theme "Application of a good coordination
of UAV and VR" will be conducted by World16 members. Technical session
by State of the Art Technologies Expression Association and the 1st round
presentation/review on the overview of the draft submissions for VDWC/CPWC
will also take place. |
Special invitation for FORUM8 Premium Users
(The only cost to be incurred by them is air fare) |
*If you have any question, please ask your contact or contact us at
TEL : 0120-1888-58 / E-mail : forum8@forum8.co.jp |
Date : June 28 (Sun) - July 4 (Sat), 2015 |
Venue :
Thessaloniki and Porto Carras in Greece |
Thessaloniki |
6/29 (Mon)
Workshop Day1 |
Group Meeting (PM) |
Welcome Party |
6/30 (Tue)
Workshop Day2 |
Technical Tour : The City Hall in Thessaloniki and Aristotle University |
International VR Symposium
The 6th Summer Workshop
<World16 Summer Workshop Sessions>
<VDWC CPWC Sessions><The State of the Arts Technology in Expression
1st round of VDWC/CPWC in 2014 |
Porto Carras |
7/1 (Wed)
Workshop Day3 |
World16 Workshop
(PM) |
World16 Research Members will produce a work of art (Project involving
the use of aerial photograph of Porto Carras shot by UAV is scheduled). |

Left : Members of The 5th Workshop, Right : UAV |
7/2 (Thu)
Workshop Day4
Recreation |
World16 Workshop
(PM) |
Presentation of World16 Projects and Farewell Patry |
* Schedule is subject to be changed. |
International VR Symposium The 6th Summer Workshop |
Special Guest
Mr. Toshiro Kawamura
Former vice president of NEC, President of Collabo Business Consulting |
Mr. Theodore M. H. Huang
An honorary chairman of the Chinese National Association of Industry and
World16 Summer Workshop Sessions
In the Summer Workshop, W16 members, each of whom is actively involved
in prominant research in a particular region of the world, will get together
to present on their research/project that utilizez VR technology. Findings
in each of their research following this workshop will be presented at
the International VR Symposium which takes place within the same year. |
Mr. Yoshihiro Kobayashi
Chief of World 16
Arizona State University
Associate professor of School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering
Researcher in the PRISM Lab |
The State of the Arts Technology in Expression Session
Mr. Machida, the
chairman of The Association of the State of the Arts Technology in
Expression will be welcomed, followed by an introduction to Projection
Mapping, 3D printer, investigation and research on the state of the arts
technology in expression as well as its applications and case studies. |
Mr. Satoshi Machida
President of State of the Art Technologies in Expression Association
CEO of AmbientMedia
Contents service producer |
VDWC/CPWC session / Preliminary evaluation
Prof. Yasushi Ikeda
Chief of executive committee of VDWC
(Graduate School of Keio University / Representative of IKDS) |
Associate Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda
Head of judges
(Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University) |
Page Top  |