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UC-win/FRAME(3D) Analysis Support Service
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UC-win/FRAME(3D) Analysis Support Services Estimate Price List
UC-win/FRAME(3D) Analysis Support Services Estimate Price List
 Basic unit cost of model data creation
(the number of nodes are less than 50. the number of element in cross section is less than 20. In the case there are nodes/ element data.) Shaking model, one wave and one direction, is based.
Engineer classification Man hour Cost per Engineer Sum
Engineer A 0.2 ¥ 40,100 ¥ 8,020
Engineer B 0.5 ¥ 31,200 ¥ 15,600
Engineer C 1.0 ¥ 25,900 ¥ 25,900
( A ) Basic unit cost of model data creation ¥ 49,520
 Extra coefficient
Extra coefficient Extra coefficient Remarks
Only basic activities ( Be sure to input 1.0 ) 1.0 The number of nodes is less than 50. The number of nodes in cross section is less than 20.
In the case there are nodes / element in cross section
In the case there are no nodes/element data Create the data based on a design and a design calculation. 0.2 Select either or two.
Create the data based on a linear calculation. 0.2
Setting of the spring constant of the bearing Spring constant is given. 0.0 Select either of two.
Calculate spring constant. 0.2
Analysis of the reinforcement cross section Not create a reinforcement cross section data. 0.0 Select either of two.
Create a reinforcement cross section data 0.2
Extra in the case the number of node exceed 50 0.2 increasing per over 20 nodes 50 nodes are based.Estimated extra coefficient =0.2* (the number of node-50) /20. Note the number of the nodes ≧ 50
Extra in the case the number of element in cross section exceed 20 0.2 increasing per over 5 elements 20 elements in cross section are based. Estimated extra coefficient =0.2* (the number of element in cross section-20) /5. Note the number of elements in cross section ≧ 20
( B ) Sub total of extra coefficient    
 A meeting activity approximate estimate sum
Contents of model data creation Activity unit costs Remarks
Analysis of the reinforcement cross section Not create reinforcement cross section data ¥ 8,945 Select either of two.
Create reinforcement cross section data ¥ 9,840
( C ) Estimated amount of meeting activities    
Technical costs
Express charge
(25% extra overtime work)
Software, hardware purchase costs
Apparatus rental, drag-in
Transportation costs (actual costs)
( F ) Sub total of costs
 Direct employee costs
( D )
Total ( D ) = ( A ) x ( B ) + ( C )
 General and administrative expenses
 (30% of the direct employee costs)
( E ) General and administrative expenses
 Estimated total amount
( D ) + ( E ) + ( F )

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