●Date: November 15 (Eve), 16-18 (3Days), 2016 ●Venue: Shinagawa IntercityHall |
(Up&Coming 2017 New Year issue) |
Day 1 (Nov. 16) The 17th UC-win/Road Conference
Autonomous Driving Conference |
Seeking Mobility of Next Generation, Possibilities of Utilizing Advanced UC-win/Road DS
Day1 of the Design Festival (Nov.16, 2016) started in the morning at Shinagawa
Intercity Hall with "Age of Virtual Reality. UC-win/Road® Presentation"
of "the 17th UC-win/Road Conference (VR Conference)". It was
followed by "Autonomous Driving Conference" by the concerned
members of the government and related agencies up until the first part
of the afternoon part.
Towards Realization of Autonomous Driving, Efforts Made by the Relevant Government Agencies
First, Yuji Ito, President and CEO of FORUM8 gave Opening address of the
Festival. Following this, "Age of Virtual Reality. UC-win/Road® Presentation",
which precedes "UC-win/Road Conference" <Autonomous Driving
Conference>, started with presentation by our staff member entitled
"Past development results of driving simulator and VR system, and
future vision". He explained the major functions of the latest version
of UC-win/Road (Ver.11) including reinforcement of rendering, display performance,
and database creation with their procedures. Next, he introduced the lineup
of simulators, examples of constructing systems using them, and UC-win/Road
options. After mentioning Riding Simulator, Earthquake Simulator, Brain
Wave Driving Simulator, linkage with HMD/AR devices, and UC-win/Road UAV
plugin, he showed the idea of reinforcing the functions in the future.
Second, from the developer's point of view, our staff member in charge
made presentation entitled "Associated functions of Driving Sim and
ADAS, and future development". He explained the features of the next
version of UC-win/Road (Ver.12) including support for 64bit, automated
calculation function of geometries, calculated frequency control and SIL
function, extension of automated control, simulation real-time linkage
option, camera sensor model option, edge blending, and mask function, illustrating
with examples.
■Katsumi Matsuda, Executive Officer and
System Sales Manager of FORUM8 |
■Pencreach Yoann, Executive Officer and
VR Development Manager of FORUM8 |
After that, Mr. Keiji Furuya, member of the House of the Representatives
and President of "Federation of Diet Members for considering Automobile
Culture" made a speech as a guest. Mentioning the topics he is involved
in such as national resilience and motor sports promotion, he talked about
future prospects for autonomous driving.
■Mr. Keiji Furuya, member of the House of the Representatives,
President of "Federation of Diet Members for considering Automobile Culture"
and Chairman, Election Strategy Committee of LDP |
This was followed by the special lecture of Mr. Shuji Okuda, Director of
Electric Vehicle, Advanced Technology and ITS Promotion Office, Automobile
Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI), entitled "METI's involvement in autonomous driving".
First, he summarized the significance of automated travelling in terms
of road traffic, society, and industries, and the outline of level 1-4
of automated travelling and its road map for practical implementation.
Then he explained technologies for driver assistance and autonomous driving,
intensifying global competition for development, competition status about
automated traveling technology. After recalling changes in the government's
grappling with them, he introduced the outline of SIP (Cross-ministerial
Strategic Innovation Promotion Program) – adus (Innovation of Automated
Driving for Universal Services), examples of SIP Project that METI took
charge of, and large-scale demonstration experiments. Then, as an intermediate
report of the review meeting for autonomous driving business, he explained
1) sharing of the future vision and identification of the cooperative areas,
2) the organization for preparing international rules (criteria and standards),
and 3) promotion of academic-industrial collaboration. Finally, he mentioned
the policy of the review meeting for future development.
■Mr. Shuji Okuda, Director of Electric Vehicle,
Advanced Technology and ITS Promotion Office, Automobile Division,
Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) |
The afternoon session started with the second part of presentation by FORUM8's
staff responsible for development who spoke in the morning "Associated
function of Driving Sim and ADAS, and future development". He explained
the functions of the next version of UC-win/Road (Ver.12) such as PinP
(Picture in Picture) and HUD simulation, extension of 2D view and simulation
control, and other improvement in functions, with demonstration. He also
mentioned the concept towards extension and enforcement of the functions
after this version.
The next special lecture was "Trends of autonomous driving- world movement about standards of automobile" given by Mr. Hidenobu Kubota, Director of International affairs, Engineering Policy Division, Road Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). He talked about the safety policy on automobile in terms of the actual circumstances of traffic accidents in the world and the global countermeasure, the needs for safe automobiles, provision of traffic safety master plan and approaches to traffic safety, and concept of safe automobiles. Then he explained the significance of autonomous driving, level classification of autonomous driving by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) International, the present situation and the future
of development of automated traveling technology, and domestic support
status for automated traveling. Next, he commented on the domestic movement
on autonomous driving in terms of the endeavor of SIP and the review meeting
of automated travel business, the trend of international rule making through
them, the support system for driver's unusual situations and vehicle assessment,
and the prospect for development of other autonomous driving technologies.
Further, he developed his lecture into the international tendency of introduction
of autonomous driving and the direction of future discussion. Especially,
he mentioned examination status of the international standards of ACSF
(Automatically Commanded Steering Function) (R79 Revision), among which
the detail of main items such as Corrective Steering Function of the R79
Revision 1st package, discussion of level classification in the IWG (informal
working group) on ITS/AD (Intelligent Transport Systems and Automated Driving)
and the combined meeting of experts of WP.1 (Working Party on Road Traffic
Safety) and GRRF (Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear), examination
status of United Nations Guidelines on cyber security and data protection,
Japan's role in the international society, and G7 Transport Ministers'
Meeting in Karuizawa, Nagano in September.
■Mr. Hidenobu Kubota, Director of International affairs,
Engineering Policy Division, Road Transport Bureau,
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) |
The final special lecture of the session was "Review of autonomous
driving and considerations for the futures" given by Mr. Takashi Ono,
Assistant Director of Traffic Planning, Traffic Bureau, National Police
Agency. First, he gave an outline of the present situations of the automated
traveling system and road map, and the endeavor of the government and National
Police Agency. Following this, he summarized the basic relationship between
the Road Traffic Law and autonomous driving towards demonstration experiments
on public roads and practical application. Then he expounded the provisions
of the Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949) and the specific points
on automated driving in it, situations of international discussion on Geneva
Convention (the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Working
Party on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) and the informal working group on Automated
Driving (IWG on AD)), and contracting countries to the Convention on Road
Traffic. Then he explained establishment of "the research and review
committee on institutional problems of automated traveling etc.",
distribution of a questionnaire there, and the points of the guidelines
for demonstration experiments on the public road about the automated traveling
system provided based on the questionnaire. At the same time, he introduced
legal and operational subjects about automated traveling in terms of criminal
responsibility and civil liability, and obligations of laws and regulations,
establishment of "the Research and review committee towards staged
realization of autonomous driving", and the matters for study for
this fiscal year.
■Mr. Takashi Ono, Assistant Director of Traffic Planning,
Traffic Bureau, National Police Agency. |