●Date: November 15 (Eve), 16-18 (3Days), 2016 ●Venue: Shinagawa IntercityHall |
(Up&Coming 2017 New Year issue) |
Day 3 (Nov. 18) |
The 10th Design Conference
Seismic, Geotechnical and Water Works Sessions |
Seeking for Approaches to the Future Public Works Projects in Response
to Social Environment and Changes in Needs
For Design Festival Day3, <Seismic, Geotechnical and Water Works Sessions>
of "the 10th Design Conference" was held during the morning to
the first part of the afternoon on Nov. 18, 2016 in the Shinagawa Intercity
Hall. In the second part of the afternoon was held the award ceremony of
"The 3rd National Resilience Design Award (NaRDA)" with announcement
of prizes.
After the host organizer's opening address, Mr. Keiichiro Asao, Member
of the House of Representatives gave the first special lecture for Day3
entitled "Public works that contribute to the productivity improvement
in the depopulating society". First, he mentioned the political problems
for Japan in mid and long terms as follows: 1) Progress in depopulation
and aging, 2) Remarkable increase in the social security expenditure such
as the health insurance system that is comparatively rich internationally
and the medical expense defrayal that is increasing along with the progress
in medical technology, and 3) Reduction in public works expenditure in
the circumstances owing a too enormous debt to get into more debt. However,
in the present situation that roads, water supply and sewerage, and public
buildings are getting into renewal timing even during the depopulation
period, it is inevitable to select renewal investment. |
■Mr. Keiichiro Asao,
Member of the House of Representatives |
On the other hand, he presented the significance of a shift to compact
cities for the solution for improving efficiency of services such as medical
care or nursing care. According to him, it will be important for community
planning to allocate priorities to activities by examining the age structure
of the concerned cities, including compact cities mentioned above. It will
also be important to make the best use of Japanese uniqueness such as locality
and national characteristics not to cause dissatisfaction with present
situations, which was seen abroad in the case of BREXIT and Trump phenomenon.
He is looking forward to using VR for simulating people's movement etc.
as a potential approach to such community planning. |
Next, Prof. Edwin Galea, Director Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG),
University of Greenwich, U.K. gave a special lecture entitled "Engineering
Safety, Security and Efficiency through Simulation". First, he introduced
the profile of FSEG and examples of modeling safety and security, applications
of FSEG software, and data collection. Then he explained the concept of
"Safety and security in crowded places" and specific examples
of disasters. Showing a wide variety of applications of agent-based evacuation
simulation (EXODUS), he mentioned its possibilities. Taking stadiums and
high rise buildings as examples, he expounded the effect on crowdedness
and evacuation time brought by modifying the evacuation scenario.
He then introduced the research results that prove the advantage of evacuation
using lifts and its simulation, and comparative simulation for improving
efficiency in overall evacuation by clearing the crowdedness in a high-rise
building. In addition, he explained the following items: 1) Effects of
security bollards on counter-terrorism and mitigation of crowdedness, 2)
More efficient uses of escalators to save time during rush hour (to walk
or not), and 3) Verification results of experiments and modeling about
urban scale evacuation and crowd dynamics. |
■Prof. Edwin Galea,
Director Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG),
University of Greenwich, U.K. |
Moreover, he also mentioned support for large-scale disasters by EXODUS
and SMARTFIRE including two new tools "urbanEXODUS" and "webEXODUS",
FSEG's contribution to counter-terrorism training using automated serious
game environment with MR (mixed reality), linkage with EXODUS and SMARTFIRE,
and support for explosion modeling. |
Sessions in the afternoon started with Prof. Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi, Professor
of Graduate School of Science and Engineering / Director of International
Institute for Resilient Society, Saitama University, who gave a special
lecture entitled "Transition of bridge technology – toward tough and
long-lasting bridge". First, he explained the definition of external
cable structure (external prestressing) and the difference from internal
cables, and their characteristics based on the results of experiments and
analyses etc. Then he developed his discussion into the structural advantage
of a 2-span prestressed concrete girder bridge with external tendons of
large eccentricity, the results of experiments and analyses about flexibility
of its design, application of the structure to an actual bridge (Torisaki
River Park Bridge) by joint study, and the construction process to completion
of the bridge. He then compared the differences in the resembled structures
of the general prestressed concrete girder bridge with external tendons,
the prestressed concrete cable-stayed bridge, and the extradosed prestressed
concrete bridge. |
■Prof. Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi, Professor of Graduate School of Science and
Engineering /
Director of International Institute for Resilient Society, Saitama University |
On the other hand, he summarized actual domestic and overseas examples
of aging degradation of prestressed concrete bridge etc., and external
and internal factors that influence degradation of bridges and problems
to solve. This was followed by introduction of his own studies for prolonging
the life of bridges with experimental results etc. as follows: 1) study
on dynamic characteristics of prestressed concrete girders with broken
prestressed concrete steel, 2) Development of PC grout for reinjection
mixed with ion exchange resin, and 3) Development of technology of restoring
cracks in concrete using microorganisms. Furthermore, he expounded the
requirements for providing the bridges newly constructed or renewed in
the future with high durability from the following points of view: 1) Structural
rationality, 2) Multilayer protection, and 3) Easy inspection. Finally,
he mentioned the process of modification of new Specifications for Highway
Bridges under review, as well as the related points in the current modification. |
The sessions were closed by "IM&VR, presentation of the nation
strengthening solution". The first part was entitled "FEM analysis
series, the latest products and their functions", with FORUM8 staff
in charge talking about the characteristics and main functions, and new
functions of the latest versions of Engineer’s Studio®, WCOMD Studio, GeoFEAS
Flow 3D, and FEMLEEG, showing demonstration of operational procedures.
He also mentioned the development plans of these products for the future.
The second part was entitled "BIM/CIM world expanded by FORUM8"
with presentation made by FORUM8 staff in charge. He introduced the concept
of IM&VR and a wide range of product lineup to cover BIM/CIM, development
progress of main products and their major functions, diverse examples of
VR simulation linked with other analysis results and data created, services,
a simulation lineup, and product linkage with 3DCAD Studio® as its
■Katsumi Matsuda,
Executive Officer and System Sales Manager of FORUM8 |
■Masakichi Yanagi,
Leader of Analysis Assistance Team,
UC-1 Development 1st Group, FORUM8 |
The 3rd National Resilience Design Award |
Hoping for New Points of View, from Diverse Technological Proposals to
Engineer Education
In the second part of the Day3 in the afternoon, Design Festival of the
year was closed by the announcement of prizes and award ceremony for "the
3rd National Resilience Design Award (NaRDA)". Three judges of NaRDA
of this year included Prof. Hiromichi Yoshikawa (Chief of the judging committee),
Professor of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Engineering, Tokyo City University;
Prof. Masaru Morita, Vice-president of Shibaura Institute of Technology,
Professor of Urban Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Civil Engineering
Department, Shibaura Institute of Technology; and Prof. Akihiko Wakai,
Professor of Science and Engineering Department, Gunma University, who
joined the committee newly this time. After introducing judges, Prof. Yoshikawa,
Chief of the judging committee started by explaining the point of NaRDA.
Prior to this, the final judgment was conducted on Nov. 15 over the entry
works for the areas of structural analysis (civil engineering and architecture),
geotechnology, water works, and disaster prevention, where 8 works were
selected as the nominated works. On Day3, first, the 8 nominated works
were introduced showing their overviews and points. Then the nomination
prize was given to every applicant. Then out of them, judges announced
individual prizes and awarded the prize winners with them. These prizes
are: "Gran Prix" (for "High seismic retrofitting of freestanding
retaining wall by using PC-Wall and reasonable performance verification
type seismic design method" by Nippon Concrete Industries Co., Ltd.),
■Nomination prize winners |
"Excellent Award" (by Association of Road and Bridge Structure, Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Central Regional Development Bureau, "Judge's special prize, Performance-based Design Award" by A x C), " Judge's special prize, Tsunami Risk Management Award" (by Oita National College of Technology), " Judge's special prize, Tsunami Protection Award" (by APPLIED TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD). Finally judges made comments, finishing all the sessions. |