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UC-win Series
  Simulation UC-win/Road New! / VR-Cloud®
F8VPS (FORUM8 Virtual Platform System)
Senario / Communication
Micro Simulation Player / S-PARAMICS / for Inroads
for Point Cloud data / for Civil 3D / for EXODUS / GIS
for OSCADY / for Sidra / for xpswmm
Noise / ECO / IFC / Tsunami / 12d model / Cluster
Parking / Free Viewer Output / OHPASS / Kinect / UAV
Motion Platform / RoboCar® / Debris-Avalanche
Work Progress Control / Photo-processing extension
4D Simulation / Earthquake Simulator
Autonomous Driving / ADAS
Driving Simulator
Experience Simulator / Safe Driving Simulator
8DOF Traffic Safety Simulator / VR Motion Seat
Motorcycle Simulator / Wheelchair Simulator
Education Version New! / UC-win/Road SDK(System Development Kit) New! / a3S SDK
/ Data Exchange Tool / Lily Car 
CG・VR Shade3D New! / Block UI Programming Tool Plug-in / Shade3D SDK

FEM Analysis Engineer's Studio® / GeoFEAS VGFlow
Geo technical Finite element Elastoplastic Analysis Software (GeoFEAS)2D
Geo Engineer's Studio
Multiframe to Engineer's Studio® Converter / Engineer's Studio® SDK / WCOMD Studio
FEMLEEG / Dynamic effective stress analysis for ground(UWLC)
3D slope stability analysis 3DCAD(LEM) / 2-D seepage analysis(VGFlow2D) / FEM Engineer's Suite


UC-1 Series/Products by category


Analysis /
FRAME(2D) / FRAME Manager
Engineer's Studio® Section
Engineer's Studio® 2D
RC section calculation

UC-BRIDGE / Grid analysis / Bridge fall prevention system / PC simple Girder bridge design
Design calculations for PC superstructure / Design for easy slab bridge / Portal rigid-frame bridge / Steel Bridge

Abutment 3D bar arrangement / Box type abutments / Rahmen type abutment / Pier 3D bar arrangement / Rigid frame pier 3D bar arrangement / Seismic coefficient calculation
Footing / PC pier / PC well type pier / RC substructure 3D bar arrangement

Foundation 3D bar arrangement / Caisson type pile foundation frame analysis 
Pile foundation / 3D Steel-Pipe-Sheet-Pile foundation / Structural analysis with numerical simulation / Substructure/Foundation / Plant foundation 3D bar arrangement

Work Design
Temporary piled jetty design 3DCAD / Temporary sheathing work design 3DCAD / Double wall cofferdam design 3DCAD / Linear plate
Design for Simple earth retaining / Performance design for soil retaining works / Strut type double wall cofferdam 3DCAD / Form tie support / BigSandbag / Climbing crane

Road work
BOX culvert 3D bar arrangement / Retaining wall design 3D bar arrangement / / Slope stability analysis /
PC Box culvert / ArchCulvert / Buttress retaining wall / Rockshed / CommonDuct / Tunnel Section
Noise barrier / Road traffic sign / Guardfence / Pipe / Temporary/Earth structure suite

Harbor Sheet pile mooring wharf / Open wharf / Gravity-type mooring wharf / Tide barrier / Harbor suite

Manhole 3D bar arrangement / Box culvert design (earthquake-proof sewage system) / Storage pond/Treatment pond / Flexible structure sluiceway 3D bar arrangement / Uniform and nonuniform flow 3DCAD / Uniform flow
Honeycomb box / Large honeycomb box / Seismic calculation for sewage pipe / Renewal pipe / Water pipe / Distribution basin earthquake resistant design calculation / Earthquake proof water tanks / Pipeline / Aque duct / Pipe network CAD / Pump capacity / Open channels 3D bar arrangement / SluiceGate / Watergate / Sheet pile riveer revetment / RC River Revetment / Falling works / Kagomatto / Drainage pump station / Sediment control dam / Spilway / Artificial pond / xpswmm / Sewer suite
VGFlow / 2-D seepage analysis(VGFlow2D)

Analysis /
Consolidation settlement / Soil improvement
Geo technical analysis Rock Fall Simulation / Debris Flow Simulation
Geo technical improvement Reinforced Earth / Well point V1 / Replacement Foundation
Geo technical Finite element Elastoplastic Analysis Software (GeoFEAS)2D
Dynamic effective stress analysis for ground (UWLC)
3D slope stability analysis 3DCAD (LEM) / 2-D seepage analysis(VGFlow2D)

CAD/CIM UC-Draw / Vehicle Trajectory Mapping System / Electronic delivery aiding tools
UC-1 BIM/CIM Tool / 3D Parametric Tool Bridge Substructure / 3D Parametric Tool Earth Work /
3DCAD Studio® / 3D bar arrangement CAD / UC-Draw tools / Parking drawing system
Electronic delivery aiding tools (Web/Construction/Electronic communication devices/Mechanical equipment) / F8DocServ / CALS/CAD suite

management /
Concrete maintenance management support tool / Earthquake risk analysis FrameRisk / BCP Support Tool / Bridge check support system / Bridge check support system (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management) / Bridge Maintenance Plan System

Architecture /
Multiframe / DesignBuilder / Allplan(Architecture/Engineering) / underground garage / Architectural Pile / AdvanceSteel / AdvanceConcrete / MultiSTEEL / bulidingEXODUS/SMARTFIRE / Building/Plant suite

Ship /
maritimeEXODUS / Maxsurf

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  Cloud Accounting
Construction Accounting Software Suite / Corporate Accounting Software Suite
Salary Calculation Software Suite / Fixed Asset Suite
  3D Game Engine Suite Chidori Engine
  Data Eraser Data Eraser Suite

UC-1 Cloud

  Automatic Design BOX Culvert / Retaining wall / Temporary sheathing work / RC Section
Temporary piled jetty design / FRAME Manager

Support / Service

  CG / VR CG Input Support Service   /  3D VR flood hazard map service 
  Software as a Service VR-Cloud® / UC-1 for SaaS
computing on
cloud services
LuxRender Rendering Service
Engineer's Studio® High-performance computing on cloud services option

UC-win/Road CG movie service
Wind and heat fluid high-performance computing analysis simulation service
Noise high-performance computing analysis simulation service
Tsunami and fluid analysis simulation service

3DVR Cloud "VR-Cloud® Service"
  Cloud Server Service NetPROWAN Activation management service / Cloud Data Center Service / ULTRA MICRO DATA CENTER

Remote Control System for Heavy Machine by 3D VR 
6K Multi Cluster Digital Signage System / Organic Parking
UC-win/UC-1 Custom development service / Android™ Customization Service / GIS system development
  Technology consulting Service VR Urban Planning / BCP and BCMS Construction Support / ISMS Construction Support
3D Contents Service / Publishing Service / Smart EC Solution / Arcbazar Support Service

UC-win/Road F8VPS (FORUM8 Virtual Platform System)
VR System development
UC-win/Road customized system
VR data service
UC-win/Road support system / WEB estimation service / Earthquake simulation service / 3D VR Flood Hazard Map Service
Published books
[VR Presentation Technique]
[Utilization of virtual reality] - Urban development using 3D VR - Introductory book for UC-win/Road

FEM Analysis Engineer's Studio® analysis support service / FEMLEEG analysis support service
JCMAC Analysis support service /
Geo technical analysis support sevice / WEB estimation sevice

EXODUS/SMARTFIRE Analysis Support Service / WEB estimation service

xpswmm xpswmm Analysis Support Service / WEB estimation service

Building Energy Simulation Support Service

3D VR Engineering
3D Laser Scanning and Modeling service
3D Physical Modeling service
3D drawing option for BIM / Report and drawing total service

GSS/ASP GSS group ware support system / Rental license / Floating license

FORUM8 Training Seminar (paid/free)

FORUM8 Launcher / Web authentication / NetPRO / Inquiry support tool / F8DocServ / NetUPDATE

Maintenance /
FORUM8 Subscription Service

Special license Academy license / NetPRO license pack / Rental license / Floating license / Rental Access

User service Forum8 point bank / User information page

Freeware /
City Design Tool (Road-3ds Max) / TestFinder / DataViewerForXML / LibreOffice

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Products by solutionProducts by series ( UC-winUC-1Support/Service

Seismic diagnosis / strengthening Seismic diagnosis / AnalysisSewerage pipe

Engineer's Studio® / WCOMD Studio / Seismic coefficient calculation / BOX culvert(earthquake-proof sewage system) for 2D seepage analysis
Support for Seismic strengthening scheme

RC section-Pile foundation / Foundation / Pier / Rigid frame pier
Support for slope strengthening scheme

Slope stability / 3D slope stability analysis 3DCAD(LEM)
Diagnosis / Analysis

Concrete(Crack checking / Maintenance management)

Steel bridge Grid analysis

New method for bridge Easy slab bridge / Portal rigid frame bridge

Architectural design Multiframe / MultiSTEEL / Temporary sheathing work design / Temporary piled jetty design / Retaining wall / Pile foundation(Architectural option) / Electronic delivery system(Construction) / UC-Draw / UC-Draw tools / UC-win/Road / EXODUS/SMARTFIRE

Government/ Local authority 3D digital city construction / Earthquake disaster countermeasures solution / Tsunami analysis support service / GIS /Architectural system service structural analysis with numerical simulation


ECO UC-win/Road ECO drive plug-in / VR-Drive / DesignBuilder / Building energy simulation support service / FPB giveaway(Eco oil, Eco tour)

Other programs

Road / Traffic TRL traffic software series OSCADY-PROTRANSYT-13
S-Paramics / APS-Mark IV

GIS Geotechnical data utilization system / GEOMania / GIS customized systemStructural analysis with numerical simulation

Architecture DesignBuilder / Allplan(Architecture/Engineering)

Ground / Mine Geo map3D / CESAR-LCPC / C-TUNNEL / LPILE/GROUP(3-D) for 3D foundation design

Steel bridge ROAD VIEW for linear calculation structural analysis with numerical simulation

Other 12d Model / 3D Chimera-GL for 3D merging software

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