The 10th UC-win/Road Conference / The Inaugural VR-StudioTM Conference |
(Up & Coming July, 2009)) |
New Edition (UC-win/Road) and New Products (VR-StudioTM) Coming Soon:
Also Introducing the Overview of "World16" with Diversified Uses
of 3D / VR
FORUM8 held "The 10th UC-win/Road Conference / The Inaugural VR-StudioTM
Conference" at Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa in May 20, 2009.
It was May 2000 that the three-dimensional real-time virtual reality (VR)
software "UC-win/Road" was released. The first UC-win/Road Conference was held in Imperial
Hotel Osaka in November in the same year. Since then, FORUM8 (the Company)
positioned this conference as a goal of continuous improvement and development
of software, each time making presentations upgrading and such. In doing
so, the conference has extended its scale year by year. At first it was
only held in Osaka, then the meeting place extended to Tokyo, and still
to main towns in foreign countries (the seventh conference in 2006 was
held sequentially in Tokyo / Seoul / Beijing / Shanghai). The current form
was adopted at the eighth conference (2007). Considering many lecturers
and users invited from the foreign countries, we treat them with care,
for instance, by preparing for simultaneous interpretation of foreign languages
(this time English, Chinese, and Korean). |
At this 10th time, the conference presented the latest information on development
of FORUM8's products, focusing on the new version of UC-win/Road (Ver.4),
which will be released in September this year, and the first edition of
"VR-StudioTM", which is expected as the succeeding tool of UC-win/Road
and is scheduled to be released in August. In addition to the main sessions
entitled "New Developments with VR-Studio" with emphasis on advanced
and unique cases of utilizing VR, there were technical sessions focusing
on "Driving Simulator" and "CAD & VR" respectively.
At the same time, we installed demo simulator with 6-axis motion in the
open space in front of the main hall, and many participants experienced
the latest VR technology.
10th UC-win/Road Conference / VR-Studio(TM) Conference presentation data NEW !
Main Sessions in the Morning Hours |
Starting at 11 a.m., Yuji Ito, President of FORUM8 delivered an opening
speech, mentioning the histories of UC-win/Road from its release and of
the conference from its establishments up to now, over these 9 years. Subsequently,
he described the positions of UC-win/Road and VR-Studio, which are coming
soon, their development status and support system, and their capability
to respond to advanced and diversified needs.
Besides, in parallel with 3D VR Simulation Contest that started after receiving
"Software Product of the Year 2002", "International VR Symposium"
has been held since 2007, lead by "World8" organized for marketing
the products of the next generation based on VR-studio. This year, the
Symposium and the Contest are scheduled to be integrated with the "FORUM8
Design Conference" for the users of UC-win/FRAME(3D), a three-dimensional analysis program for space-framed structures, and
UC-win/UC-1, which had been held separately so far. This is to be held
on a larger scale as the FORUM8 Design Festival (Nov. 18 - 20, 2009 at
Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa).
At the same time, the Company developed educational tools such as an introductory
book of UC-win/Road and the handbook for application, as well as the qualification
system including that of VR engineers qualified by FORUM8. On the other
hand, the Company strengthened coordination with software such as CAD,
analysis software, and GIS (geographical information systems), or with
hardware including a driving simulator and the motion platform. Through
these efforts, according to him, the whole vision of the Company drawn
10 years ago is mostly realized, and the Company is going to develop new
possibilities with VR-Studio serving as a strong engine.
Developer's Lecture: VR-Studio Ver. 1, New Advanced VR Function |
First, Senior Engineer of FORUM8 NZ in charge of development of VR-Studio
gave a speech. He focused on its difference from UC-win/Road, including
the new user interface (UI) realized by adopting the ribbon control technology,
support for large-scale (space) data, and support for multi-user editing.
After explaining a procedure of creating / setting / editing of such as
roads, cross sections, cut, banking, and the ramp, he demonstrated how
to operate those functions.
For the latter part of the lecture, our staff made a presentation about
the new functions of "UC-win/Road Ver.3.4", which is to be released
in June. They included various expressions of fire and smoke and how to
set up them; and the function to link with "OSCADY" by the UK's
Transport Research Laboratory, a traffic network signal control optimization
program. Then the upgrading points of "UC-win/Road Ver.4" planned
to be released in September were explained in terms of improvement in the
function of creating data, qualitative improvement of images, extension
of the capable displays and hardware, stepping up in the trial of driving
simulation, improved usability, etc. Further, the policy was stated to
aim at improvement in the script function, realization of log output function,
improvement in the expression of pedestrians, and extending data conversion
function. |
Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa |
VR-Studio Ver. 1, New Advanced VR Function |
Sessions were held in three different places from 1 to 5 pm. Main Sessions
(Stream-1) were held under the theme of "New Developments with VR-Studio",
and Technical Sessions under "Driving Simulator" for Stream-2,
and "CAD & VR" for Stream-3. The main points of special lectures
and presentations in each session (Stream) are as follows:
Main Sessions: New Developments with VR-Studio (Steam-1) |
Special Lecture 1: |
Technology for Consensus Building in Community Development: Safety and
Security Map of Town with VR Modeling
Speaker: Mr. Hiroo Kasagi, Representative Director of Workshop for Sustainable
Community (NPO Chiikizukuri Kobo)
The first speaker in Stream-1, Mr. Hiroo Kasagi explained the roles of
a facilitator who supports consensus building in community development
by coordinating the side of administration and engineers and the side of
residents. He has been focusing on the effectiveness of UC-win/Road since
he used it for the first time in the urban plan highway project for Nishisuma
District in Kobe City, for which he took charge of facilitation. This time,
he concentrated on map creating as one of the methods of facilitation in
town planning, showing the procedure of creating a map in an analog fashion.
He reproduced the way he had created a map by actually walking around the
Nakameguro Station for this lecture. Furthermore, he presented the VR data
created by the FORUM8 staff with UC-win/Road based on this map. He concluded
from the result that a new way of consulting for a plan could be expected,
such as comparative review of alternative plans in conjunction with hazard
maps, which is impossible only by a traditional paper-based method. |
Mr. Hiroo Kasagi, NPO Chiikizukuri Kobo |
"Technology for Consensus Building in Community Development: Safety
and Security Map of Town with VR Modeling" |
Special Lecture 2: |
Demonstration Experiment on a Cruise-assist plan at Ohashi JCT Utilizing
Speaker: Mr. Seiya Tazawa, Manager of Survey and Environment First Group,
Tokyo Construction Bureau, Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd.
He showed the overview of the project of Ohashi Junction (JCT) to connect
the Shinjuku Line of the Central Circular Route, the Shinagawa line of
the same Route, and Route 3 (Shibuya Route). According to him, it included
the structure to treat the underground tunnel (35m deep) and the overpass
structure (35m above ground) with maximum difference of elevation of about
70m due to the spatial constraints with four-leg intersection, and connect
them with a loop turning over twice. On the other hand, there was a concern
about the decrease in a driver's ability to perceive space, as he or she
should drive on a loop in a closed space. Thus it was required to verify
its effects and influences by using a driving simulator (DS) reflecting
the cruise-assist plan. Timeframe was of particular importance in this
task. The completed image of JCT was reproduced realistically with UC-win/Road
within nearly three months after the decision of introducing our DS. In
the lecture, he demonstrated the images of DS used for the verification
experiments by 18 subjects on the plan, which was developed in terms of
guiding to the junction, controlling the speed, and preventing collision.
Based on the results of DS, a verification experiment was performed again
using the materials similar to those in the actual site. It was found through
these experiments that guidance with colors is effective though requiring
consideration of color contrast, that markings of distance and warning
boards in the tunnel are effective, and so on. In addition, DS was utilized
effectively in such places as the trial corner in events, according to
him. |
Mr. Seiya Tazawa, Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. |
"Demonstration Experiment on a Cruise-assist plan at Ohashi JCT Utilizing
DS" |
Special Lecture 3: |
Applications of DS at NASVAnet, an Aptitude Diagnostics System for Drivers
Speaker: Mr. Tomoyuki Fuse, Chief, Safety Instruction Department, National
Agency for Automotive Safety & Victims' Aid (NASVA)
First, he described the purpose and actual situation of the aptitude diagnostics
service provided by NASVA. According to him, a new type of DS was required
that was able to secure the stability of the measurement results, not to
bore regular clients, and to analyze the actural driving behaviors. As
a solution for this, NASVA created a model course along which about 20
events occur while driving on an urban highway, shopping streets, and an
expressway ranging over about 5km, using UC-win/Road. Assuming three types
of car for driving including a truck, bus, and a passenger car, simulation
of diagnostics of driving was performed for more than 200 subjects in total,
consisting of professional drivers in their twenties to seventies. At this
occasion, NASVA recorded the speed, driving locations, distances from surrounding
objects etc. at every 1/30 second using the data recording function of
UC-win/Road, and computed the data distribution by generation and by type
of a car. Based on the score distribution of the samples, the measurement
of evaluation was developed for each diagnostic result in terms of safe
and ecological driving, hurried driving, preventive driving, and thoughtful
driving to use for evaluating clients. It has already been applied to almost
20,000 testees. It was analyzed that all items of diagnostics were recognized
to be appropriate, though there seemed to be some effect of having the
diagnostics twice repeatedly. Based on this, NASVA is planning to increase
driving courses, as well as set up special courses for specific types of
business. |
Mr. Tomoyuki Fuse, National Agency for Automotive Safety & Victims'
Aid (NASVA) |
"Applications of DS at NASVAnet, an Aptitude Diagnostics System for
Drivers " |
Special Lecture 4: |
New Trends in ITS Image Sensing Technology and Utilization of VR
Speaker: Prof. Yoshimitsu Aoki, Associate Professor, Electronic Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
The Laboratory of Prof. Aoki was studying various image recognition technologies
for the purpose of assisting safe driving as well as improving comfort
and convenience in relation with ITS (intelligent transportation system).
As a part of this, his lecture focused on the possibility of linking VR
with the technology to assist safe driving that he is studying. One of
the things that he pays attention to is a system to evaluate quality of
driving (QOD). Based on the motion images of the foreground shot by a video
camera, it records the degree of meandering, proper speed, secure vehicular
gap and such while sensing them in real time, and use them as parameters
of evaluation. Since the DS that has been used so far is getting old, our
DS is expected to apply to various experiments such as QOD evaluation for
long-time driving, drunk driving, and drive dozing with our DS. Another
thing he pays attention to is development of accident analysis software
that reproduces the occurrence of an accident quantitatively by analyzing
the images of an accident recorded in a drive recorder through image processing.
He performed demonstration using the data created by the Company in order
to show the concept in concrete. In future, he is willing to produce a
useful system in cooperation with those outside the university, utilizing
advantages brought about by the fusion of the result of realistic sensing
and VR, especially in the cases for which it is difficult to analyze real
images. |
Prof. Yoshimitsu Aoki, Keio University |
New Trends in ITS Image Sensing Technology and Utilization of VR |
Technical Sessions: Driving Simulator (Stream 2) |
Presentation 1: |
Development of the TOYOTA Infrastructure Coordination Simulator
Our staff presented the situation of development and overview of Infrastructure
Coordination Simulator, which was utilized at the booth of TOYOTA in the
15th ITS World Conference held in New York in November 2008. |
" Development of the TOYOTA Infrastructure Coordination Simulator" |
Presentation 2: |
Drive Simulator Updates: New DS functions, Eco-Drive Option
Our staff explained about the newest functions of our DS. As an eco-drive
option especially, we provide a plug-in that enables to measure the driving
characteristics of a driver in terms of ecological driving. This is used
to calculate the amount of fuel consumed while driving based on the driving
log of UC-win/Road, and to graph the amount of CO2 emission. It is also
proposed to support various simulators including a railroad simulator. |
"Drive Simulator Updates: New DS functions, Eco-Drive Option" |
Special Lecture 6: |
Linkage Between CarSim and UC-win/Road
Speaker: Mr. Eiji Takita, Technical Manager, Virtual Mechanics Corporation
Mr. Takita spoke about physical calculation of behaviors of vehicles using
"CarSim", a simulation software program for vehicle motion. He
also mentioned various cases of introducing it into automobile manufacturers
mainly, linkage with related software programs including UC-win/Road, and
further potentialities expected from this. |
"Linkage Between CarSim and UC-win/Road" |
Presentation 3: |
Open Micro Simulation Plug-in
OpenMicroSim is an open format that the Company developed and proposed
(the file format for use is open to public at HYPERLINK ""). Our staff discussed the Micro Simulation Player of the Plug-in.
He also introduced a function to replay simulation of various types rendered
by the movement of a 3D model, as well as its application examples. |
"Open Micro Simulation Plug-in" |
Technical Sessions: CAD & VR (Stream-3) |
Special Lecture 7: |
Approach to 3D CAD in Construction Information Standard Committee
Speaker: Mr. Minoru Akiyama, Director, Standard Department, Japan Construction
Information Center Foundation auth. MLIT (JACIC)
To open up Stream-3, Mr. Akiyama firstly described the Committee's overview
including its activities, organization, and main tasks. Next, he explained
the trends and positioning of 3D CAD and 3D information in the Committee,
CALS/EC Action Program (AP2005 and AP2008), and the grand design of utilizing
infrastructure-related information for the 4th Three-year Plan of Promoting
Standardization of Infrastructure-related Information. |
"Approach to 3D CAD in Construction Information Standard Committee" |
Presentation 4: |
Frontiers of GIS-VR Data: From Analysis, CAD, GIS and Google Earth to VR
Following the previous lecture, our staff described the trends of standardization
of various information on construction related with VR, as well as the
involvement of CAD, Analysis, GIS, construction equipment, and design linked
with VR. He especially spoke in detail about the linkage of UC-win/Road
with things like "OSCADY" (traffic flow analysis) or GIS data,
as well as the new functions of Micro Simulation Player and 3D arrangement
of bar. |
"Frontiers of GIS-VR Data: From Analysis, CAD, GIS and Google Earth
to VR" |
Special Lecture 8: |
Linkage between OHPASS and UC-win/Road: Constructing a Three-dimensional
Highway Landscape Design System
Speaker: Mr. Toshio Terao, Executive General Manager of Kinki Branch, NEWJEC
Mr. Terao discussed the background for developing Optimal Highway Path
Automatic Search System (OHPASS) using genetic algorithm (GA), its system
overview, and the improved efficiency of design by using it. Moreover,
with regard to the three-dimensional highway landscape design system constructed
by linking it with UC-win/Road, he mentioned its overview, verification
of the system and problems found through it, and his view about its future
potential. |
"Linkage between OHPASS and UC-win/Road: Constructing a Three-dimensional
Highway Landscape Design System" |
Presentation 5: |
3D Digital City Construction
In the next presentation, our staff proposed construction of 3D City models
using VR-Studio. He discussed the possibilities of applying them to wide-ranging
types of advanced simulation, e.g. ranging from landscape to traffic and
various disasters.
"3D Digital City Construction" |
The Last Main Session:
The closing speech was delivered as Special Lecture 5 from 5 pm, integrating
from each session places into the main hall again.
Special Lecture 5: |
New Developments for the 3rd International VR Symposium
Speaker: Prof. Yoshihiro Kobayashi, Director of FORUM8 Arizona and Assistant
Professor, School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture, College
of Architecture & Environmental Design, Arizona State University (ASU)
First, Prof. Kobayashi introduced his involvement with the Company starting
with "Digital Phoenix Project", which he has been working on
since 2006 at ASU, positioning of VR technologies in his own research,
and his recent studies.
On the other hand, "World8", which was mentioned at the opening,
was established in November 2007 based on his proposal. An unprecedented
attempt, this international academic group was formed by 9 scholars from
8 universities ranging over 7 countries. Starting from the 1st International
VR symposium (November 2007), they continued research through VR Workshop
at ASU (August 2008), and the 2nd International VR Symposium (November
2008), when their activities achieved the original goal. Following this,
they expanded the scale further in 2009, when VR-Studio is to be released.
He states that a new "World 16" project is beginning to move.
Concerning this, the dedicated Web site ( is already set up aiming at sending and sharing information about "World
16". Besides, selection of new members is ongoing. Three of the new
members gave lectures keeping the activities as "World16" in
mind for this conference, as follows.
Speaker: Prof. Ruth Ron, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University
of Florida
In this conference, Prof. Ruth Ron participated in the video representing
the new members, with a lecture entitled "Downtown Orlando, Florida:
Redesigning I-4, Bridge District".
Speaker: Mr. Yen-Liang Wu, Ph.D Candidate in Digital Design Media, National
Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan; Lecturer at Asia University, Taiwan
On behalf of Prof. Yun-Tung Liu, Graduate institute of Architecture, NCTU,
Mr. Yen-Liang Wu, who is also a new member, gave a lecture entitled "Exploring
Applications of Virtual Reality in Architecture".
Speaker: Prof. Thomas Tucker, Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts,
Winston Salem State University
Finally, Prof. Thomas Tucker gave a lecture entitled "Emirati heritage
in architecture in Geographic Context: The Rams-Dhayya-Barama triangle
as Case Study".
After all the sessions were over, we held a networking party for exchanging
information among our guests, users, and us. A lot of people joined it.
We are most grateful for sharing this significant opportunity with all
of you. |
Design Festival |
FORUM8 Design Festival
DATE : 18-20 November, 2009
PLACE : Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa (plan)
The 8th 3D VR Contest will be scheduled on 20 November, 2009. |