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New Products Introduction

*xpswmm rainfall-runoff analysis system

xpswmm is a complete software package for modeling Stormwater and Wastewater flows and pollutants. It is used by scientists, engineers and resource and asset managers to simulate natural rainfall-runoff processes and the performance of engineered systems that manage our water resources.

xpswmm is used to develop link-node and spatially distributed models that are used for the analysis, design and simulation of storm and wastewater systems. xpswmm also models flow and pollutant transport in natural systems including rivers, lakes, floodplains with groundwater interaction.

The following is key features and related system of this product.

*Key features
Hydrology Choices - choose from 14 hydrology methods including SWMM Runoff, SCS Laurenson, SBUH, Rational method, Sacramento methods, LA County Hydrology, and many others.

The xpswmm Hydraulics engine solves the complete St. Venant (Dynamic Flow) equations for gradually varied, one dimensional, unsteady flow throughout the drainage network. The calculation accurately models backwater effects, flow reversal, surcharging, pressure flow and tidal outfalls and interconnected ponds. The model allows for looped networks, multiple outfalls and accounts for storage in conduits. Flow can also be routed using the US EPA EXTRAN solutions and with kinematic or diffusive wave methods.

Quality routing is performed as plug flow or complete mixing in storage units. Storage and treatment devices are simulated as a series and/or parallel network of units each with optional flow-storage routing using the modified Puls method. The treatment simulation uses either user-defined removal equations (for example, removal as exponential function of hydraulic residence time) or sedimentation theory coupled with particle size-specific gravity distribution for constituents. The user may enter any valid equation to describe the treatment of the various constituents and xpswmm will parse this equation and apply it to the simulation

*Optional module
xpFlood:2D (2D flood analysis):
Whether you are modeling in 1 or 2 dimensions, integrating elevation data is an essential step in constructing your model. xpswmm incorporates Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) as Triangular Irregular Networks (TINs) into any 1D or 2D model.

GIS module:
xpswmm is streamlined to utilize GIS and CAD data for modeling. It has the ability to display raster and vector files as background images from commercial drawing and GIS applications without the purchase of additional software.With its integrated GIS link xpswmm enables you to exchange data with other external databases such as ArcGIS, MapInfo, Asset Management Software, Access and Excel or any other ODBC compliant database. xpswmm’s layer control panel allows the management of geospatial data sets including visualization and direct import of geometric objects such as polygons, polylines and points to the appropriate xpswmm layer.

xpswmm’s Real Time Control (RTC) optional module
xpswmm’s Real Time Control (RTC) module expands the control capabilities for gates valves, flow regulators, moveable weirs and, and telemetry-controlled pumps. It extends RTC to a comprehensive management and design tool. It’s sensors can be any combination of velocity, flow and water level at nodes, conduits, pumps, weirs or orifices in the network

XP-Viewer module:
The XP Viewer allows data files to be opened and viewed but not modified. The model may be freely distributed to anyone associated with your project. Recipients will have the ability to view and generate all model output including animations of your xpswmm models without the ability to change the model(s) integrity or redoing the simulation. This is an excellent tool for those customers who need to share their data with others who do not own a license of the software, but wish to view the model(s) data and results.

Optimizing (PEST) module:
xpswmm uses a proprietary dynamic wave routing procedure. The solution method is inherently stable and has a fast run time by using a self modifying time step. Throughout the simulation, the time step is adjusted to insure stability and flow balance. There are several techniques available to improve the performance of the calculating engine. Additional simulation parameters allow optimization of the solution.

*Developed by XP Software Pty Ltd (Canberra, Australia) URL:

*Introduction of related systems: Visualization of result analysis on UC-win/Road
UC-win/Road is scheduled to visualize simulation results from xpswmm in near future.

UC-1 series water and sewage/river (Japanese only)
  • Box culvert design (earthquake-proof sewage system)
  • Manhole design calculation
  • Regulation pond/ Regaldating pond calculation
  • Distribution basin earthquake resistant design calculation
  • Flexible structure sluceway design
*iPipe sewer culvert integrated program
This program allows you the flexibility: you can calculate culvert, analize pipe network, create calculation report, pipe network map and Longitudinal and lateral profile. And it allows you to compare and weigh multiple plans for one project.

Developed by Saman Corporation URL:

(Up&Coming 2007 Midsummer issue)



[ ユーザー紹介 ]
国土交通省 中部地方整備局 木曽川下流河川事務所
愛媛大学 工学部
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FORUM8 Design Festival2024+EVE レポート

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ラーメン式橋台の設計計算(部分係数法・H29道示対応) Ver.4
建築杭基礎の設計計算 Ver.11
揚排水機場の設計計算 Ver.5
UC-1 Engineer's Suite® 概算・事業費計算

Shade3D・F8VPS 20%OFF

3/5  Shade3D体験
3/6  UC-win/Road SDK/
  VR-Cloud® SDK
3/7  Engineer's Studio®活用
3/11  DesignBuilder体験

・Engineer's Studio®解析支援