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How to control the number of traffic when you widen the roads
In this section, we will answer comparativery many qustions out from your inquiries about UC-win/Road. This time, we answer about "How to set arbitrarily the number of vehicles running when widening of road by UC-win/Road.".

When widening of road, the number of vehicles is nomally devided evenly.
If you want to set the situation that after widening of road, the left lane will be left-turning only and the number of vehicles will decrease or the number of vehicles running right-turning only lane will increase, follow this process.
This process is on the assumption that there are two lanes each way and the number of running vehicles is 200.
A: This Explanation is for the case that you want to control the number of left-turning vehicles 30 on the assumption that one lane increased just before the junction. It is assumed that the sections have already been prepared.
1. Edit Transition section which the number of lanes is increase, in Edit vertical linear screen.
2. Change the weight of each lane. As 100 vehicles run one lane, enter 30 for lane1 and 70 for lane 2.
3. In 3D space, vehicles run in 30, 70, 100 ratios from the left traffic lane after this widening of road position.
B: Another explanation is for the case that one lane increase right side. It is assumed that the right-turning lane increase on the medial strip side and the number of right-turning vehicles is 40.
1. Edit Transition section which the number of lanes is increase, in Edit vertical linear screen.
2. Change the weight of each lane. Now enter 60 for lane 1 and 40 for lane 2. As the lane number is considered based on the point where the lane increase, the far left lane is ignored and enter only for right lane and increased right-turning lane. Note that the lane number is not correspond to the lane order starting from the left.
3. In 3D space, vehicles run in 100, 60, 40 ratios from the left traffic lane after this widening of road position.

Using Transition here, you can provde different specific gravity every vehicle with a specific profile, such as large-size vehicle, for a traffic lane. Please make use of this feature within the various traffic control.

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SUPPORT TOPICS  Question & Answer Forum
 - Dynamic Analysis
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What should be noted in using fiber elements?
Fiber element segments section into mesh and give hysteresis (stress-strain relation of materials) to each cell. The hysteresis of materials support concrete/reinforcing/plate and steel/prestressing steel/fiber reinforced sheet(* There is a hysteresis expansion option partly).

For modelling, it is necessary to choose the appropriate hysteresis for the charasteristics of the members. For example, when you check the reinforced concrete pier according to Specifications for highway bridges V aseismic design, you must select "Hoshikuma (the model which can consider wide restriction effect by tie)"for the hysteresis of concrete

UC-win/FRAME(3D) supports "the original", "the second" and "the 1st" for fiber elements. It is difficult problem that how to set the length of fiber elements, but set them based on following properties.

●The original :
UC-win/FRAME(3D) original fiber element assume half section to be curvature uniformity. Based on the plastic hinge length Lp which can be obtained from Specifications for highway bridges V aseismic design, set the length to about twice as long as it. If the element length is extremely short or long, since it can't be converge or kept its accurancy, the program checks whether the length of fiber element is in the range from 0.5 time to double of the section height (the smaller width and height) and displays warning if it is out.

●The 2nd :
This element is isoparametric element (3 nodes, truss element) which is often used in finite element method. The displacement function and the shape function of the element was given by same quadratic polynomial. The curveture distribution wii be linear curve.

●The 1st :
This element is isoparametric element (2 nodes, truss element) which is often used in finite element method.The displacement function and the shape function of the element was given by same linear polynomial. The curveture distribution will be constant with element length.

The appropreate mesh number of pertitions of section height direction is about 20 only as a guide. Smaller mesh improve the accurancy/convergence, but the time taken for analysis will be longer and the size of result file will be larger. The upper limit of cell is 1000 for each section element.

By the properties of fiber elements, it can automatically consider thecoupling of bending and axial force. It can aiso obtain high-precision solution to biaxial bending problem by segmenting section into cell. Please use of them.


(Up&Coming '08 Early Spring Publication)



[ ユーザー紹介 ]
株式会社 溝田設計事務所
公立諏訪東京理科大学 工学部 機械電気工学科
Kemmochi Design Office
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